Chapter 12

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Curled up on the window seat, I gaze out at the bunnies and deer prancing about on the field below. A soft breeze strokes my face. Just then the gentle breeze grew stronger, whipping my hair back and making my eyes tear.

Feeling the power coming from somewhere behind me, I turn around to see Aquarius alongside another man that I don’t recognise, who is controlling the wind and making my hair feel like it is in a wind tunnel.

 “Okay, you’ve made your point, can you stop it now?” I say agitated.

Obeying my wishes, the man with dirty, blond hair, dark blue eyes, a lean and lanky physic, lowers his hands and the wind ceases simultaneously and my hair drops back onto my shoulders. As I look closely, I can see the similarities between him and Aquarius; they are obviously related.

“Safara, this is my father Aeolius and-” Aquarius introduces.

“Why does practically everyone around here have seriously weird names?” I interrupt.

“And you’re saying Safara is considered a common name?” Aeolius questions.

“No, that’s not my point.”

“Well, our names all mean something that’s related to our power, for example your father’s name Terron means Earthman, my name means Keeper of the Winds and Aquarius means Water bearer.” Aeolius explains.


“My father here is going to help you with your training.” Aquarius explains.

“TRAINING? What am I, some new puppy? Are you going to dangle a dog treat above my head and say ‘sit’?” I question appalled.

“No and I thought you wanted to be more powerful?” Aquarius replies.

Rising from my seat, I challenge him. “Are you saying that I’m WEAK?”

“Maybe…” He tests.

That is it. I fire a strong blast of flames at him, which he easily dodges and returns with a stream of ice cold water. All too soon it turns into a mini battle between Aquarius and I where we both keep firing shot after shot at each other, some of which we deflect. Neither of us is prepared to back down.

 Having had enough, Aeolius pushes both me and Aquarius back against a wall with his power.

“Enough.” Aeolius orders gruffly and releases us both. Looking around, all of our eyes are glowing with the power coursing through our veins. The atmosphere is thick with power and tension. There’s a moment of silence before I run out of the room, escaping the slick air that clings uncomfortably to my skin. All of the corridors look the same. I just keep on running round corner after corner, until I come to a dead end. Panting, I hear a voice behind me. “Lost?”

Spinning around, I stand and stare at the ghostly lady in front of me. Her white blond hair flows down and around her delicate face in long waves. Dressed head to toe in white, she looks very angelic and elegant however it is her eyes that are a bright yellow and seem to stare right through me that are very unnerving. She draws her lips into a tight line as she waits for a reply.

“No,” I lie.

Throwing her head back she laughs softly. “Don’t even bother lying to me because I can easily see through anyone’s lies.”

I cross my arms. Who does she think she is? No one can talk to me like that. With a flick of my hand, I could turn that lacy, white dress of hers into a pile of ash.

“If you dare set my dress on fire, then I will force you to do something that you’ll regret,” she narrows her cat eyes at me.

“Did you just -”

“Yep,” she answers, not even allowing me to finish my sentence.

Turning on her heel she glides down the corridor. Power walking to keep up with her long strides, I follow her.

“What’s your name?” I ask.


I scoff. “Like the car?”

“Like the what?” She asks confused.

I shake my head in disappointment. “You guys don’t get out enough.”

Rolling her eyes, she asks: “I assume you know what I am?”

“You’re a psychic; you can control minds and stuff.” I say carelessly.

She scoffs. “And STUFF? I can make things move with my mind and control others and yet the heir to the throne says ‘and stuff’?!” Lotus says, shaking her head in disbelief. We reach the top of the golden staircase leading down to the entrance hall.

“I’m what?” I ask, not understanding.

“Has nobody told you? When Terron is no longer able to rule, you’re the next one in line to rule over the Light Potents.” She informs me.

“But what if I’m not ready?”

She turns back to face me. “Tough. Like it or not, your fate has already been decided for you.” On those last words, she walks out of the palace through the entrance doors-leaving me standing alone.

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