Chapter 14

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Unwillingly, I storm out of my room and down the corridors following the foot print trail, I’d made last night which leads me down the golden staircase and onto the cold marble entrance hall. Aquarius told me Terron would be here; there is no one in sight. Searching for him, I wander outside and begin scanning the fields for any sign of him. Hearing faint noises, I follow them into a circle of trees in the middle of a field. As I get closer, I find an angle where I can see between the trees and the sight makes me gasp in shock. Terron is in the embrace of another unknown woman. Hearing me, they both stop kissing and turn to look directly at me. Their clothes are ruffled but still on at least. Terron’s face pales and guilt clouds his eyes.

Trembling with anger and shock, I scream at them, my voice wavering.

“HOW COULD YOU! First you ABANDON us, and then you CHEAT on my mother! Don’t you have a heart? Don’t you dare try and make it all better by spilling out pathetic excuses! You DISGUST me. YOU. ARE. NOT. MY. FATHER.” 

Running away from the scene, blinded by tears, I push open the first door I come to and slam it shut behind me. Through my tears, I can see that I am in a grand ballroom but I don’t care. Curling up in a ball on the dance floor, I sob and sob until I run out of tears. After a while, I feel cool but comforting arms encompass me and I let them. I already know who they belong to. Gently, he kisses away the tear trails and holds me in his arms, rocking me back and forth like a baby.

 Aeolius enters the room and sees the state that I am in and he looks at me with pity.

“What happened?” He asks.

“I saw Terron in the arms of another,” I whisper.

“That woman is called Fauna and she’s a Naturor that has been bonded to Terron for many years. Similar to how you and Aquarius are bonded, no one can get between them and Terron can’t stop his feelings for Fauna.” Aeolius explains.

Despite hearing this, I still can’t accept the fact that my mother is at home longing for a man who can never truly love her wholeheartedly.

 After my little episode, I know that there is no way I’d get a chance to meet Thaddeus again and that disappoints me. He’s a breath of fresh air, so different from everyone else. He understands. 

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