Chapter 11

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Dazzled and feeling faint at the sudden teleportation, I have to blink several times before I can properly take in my unfamiliar surroundings. I am awestruck by the view. Beautiful, blossoming flowers and plants grow everywhere in this emerald green, luscious field. Colour vibrant and alive, I tread carefully through the natural plant life that tickles my bare ankles as I brush past. Gazing up, I see the clear blue sky and the sun shining down on me making the air feel warm and comforting.

 Bordering the edge of the field are towering trees all in bloom bearing many different kinds of unusual but mouth-watering fruits. Stretching my arm up I pluck a fruit from the tree above; it is round and purple but when I bite into it, it’s soft and green inside and tastes like a cross between a kiwi and a peach. Whatever it is, it’s delicious. Finished, I drop it and walk carefully down to the bottom of the field. After opening a wooden oak gate, I look out and gasp at the sight before me. A colossal, crystal white palace with gleaming, sparkling walls and spiralling towers topped with teal turrets. Arched, inviting doorways are framed with gold and the grounds surrounding it are abundant with life, as all sorts of animals frolic about happily - not confined by wooden fences.

 Feeling his presence behind me, I reach out for him with my mind and his serene calmness washes over me.

“This place is like something from a fairy tale.” I whisper.

Smiling he says, “I’m glad you like it, now” he offers me his arm “shall we?”

I accept and loop my arm around his. “Since when have you been a gentleman?”

“Since, I now I have a lady to care for.” He teases.

“Ha!” I laugh, “that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to act any different.”

“Of course not, but are you complaining?”

“Nope.” He leads me through the palace’s golden doors which are engraved with the 4 elements and also all sorts of peculiar animals.

 Even through my white, dainty dolly shoes, I can feel the coolness of the marble floor and inhaling I can smell fragrant flowers. Hanging high above me is a crystal chandelier with many candles waiting to be lit. Inside, instead of being hot and stuffy it is light and airy from the sunlight streaming in from the open windows. Standing alone at the base of the golden staircase is a muscular man-tall with broad shoulders. His dark brown, wavy hair flutters in the slight breeze. An easy, subtle smile on his lips and his deep brown eyes study me. My body grew stiff as I realise who he is. It’s him. He is my long lost father and slowly but confidently he makes his way over to me. Looking important in his light brown robes, he gestures around him as he introduces himself.

“My name is Terron and I am the leader of the Light Potents and also your father. Welcome, daughter of mine Safara, to your new home in the Light Potent Kingdom. I trust that Aquarius treated you well?”

“Who?” I ask shocked.

“Me,” Dylan says timidly, “I may have accidently left that little part out,” he admits sheepishly.

“Nice to know, that you allowed me to refer to you by your fake code name rather than by your real one.” I say glaring at him.

“I’m sorry, okay…”

I sigh. “You haven’t got anything to be sorry for, my father on the other hand…” I say directing my attention back to Terron.

“Oh, Safara I am sincerely sorry for having to leave you and your mother, I can honestly say that it is the hardest thing I have ever done. But my people needed me desperately and I knew I couldn’t betray my own race.”

“So you betrayed your own family instead.” I say frustrated with him.

I see the hurt and guilt in his eyes and almost feel sorry for him. Almost.

“I would do anything in my power to make it up to you, Safara,” he says truthfully.

“I’m not the one who had to raise a child as a single mother whilst trying to recover from losing her true love.” My words dripping with venom bite him in the heart and his head drops in shame.

Glad that I have affected him, I raise my head higher as he says: “what you say is true, but it’s too late to change the past, may I show you to your room?” He offers, his eyes pleading for forgiveness, that I’m not ready to give.

“No, I’m sure that Dylan-no-Aquarius is more than capable.”

Terron gives one quick nod and then walks away through the large door on the right side of the room.

Dylan-no-Aquarius leads me up the golden stairs across many teal, soft, carpeted corridors until he stops in front of yet another golden door with my name beautifully engraved in it along with a red heart of flames.

Running my finger tentatively along the carving I mutter: “How thoughtful.”

Carefully, I open the door and step into a warm room of reds, oranges and yellows- the colours of fire. The carpet is a warm, sunset orange and the walls are a light, creamy yellow. A wooden, double bed is against the wall on the left side, a red sofa in front of a large wide screen TV on the right. In the far right corner is a pine desk with a comfortable- looking armchair. Directly in front of me is a large window with a plush, red seat overlooking the fields.

Slipping off my shoes which were giving me blisters, I run and leap onto the bed, sinking into the soft covers. I sigh with pleasure.

“How could I predict that you were going to do that?” He asks, chuckling to himself.

“It’s been a long day, Aqua boy.” I argue, sitting up so that I can face him.

“Aqua boy?”

“Yeah, you’ve nicknamed me fire girl so I had to come up with something.”

“Fair enough.” He then kneels before me so that we are eye to eye.

“You know, you still haven’t explained to me why I don’t get a headache whilst you’re around anymore.” I point out.

“Oh yeah…well you had a headache to start off with because your soul wanted to be close to mine. You were made to be mine just as I was made to be yours, Safara. When we kissed, our souls united and now we share a bond where we can sense where the other is and what they’re feeling.”

“Wow, that’s pretty deep.”

“I know,” he looks down at his hands “I’m sorry if this is not what you wanted but…”

“Sshh,” I stop him by pressing a finger to his lips, “I want you, Aqua boy,” I reassure.

He smiles at me. “I’ll always want you.”

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