Chapter 19

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Never underestimate the power of 100 angry Light Potents; if you do, it will be your downfall. It didn’t take long to come to the conclusion of Safara’s mysterious absence. We found Thaddeus and his despicable minions and forced them to make us a portal to take us to the Dark Potent Kingdom. They’d finally got their hands on her; it’s entirely my fault for not protecting her. So we all storm into the devilish castle, united for one fiery red head because she is our future.

 Seeing Safara’s broken, bloody body on that table tore my heart in two. I’m reaching out for her through our bond but I am met with silence. Nothing. She’s gone… I want to run to her side and hold her in my arms but first I will get my revenge. In our anger, an epic battle is erupting, between Dark and Light Potents.

I unleash blasts of water on the enemy to either drown or distract them. Terron on the other hand makes the Earth quake in his anger throwing them off-balance and also is manipulating large tree roots to act as venomous snakes, capturing and constricting around the enemy-tighter and tighter until they take their dying breath. In close contact, he fires giant rocks from his hands which crush the Dark Potent that it lands on.

 Fauna has befriended a pack of devil dogs and is commanding them to tear the Dark Potents into shreds. Galena lurks in the shadows surveying the battle. Being an opportunistic, she leaps onto the backs of Dark Potents with incredible speed and swiftly kills them with a fatal blow.

 Lotus is manipulating the enemy, turning them into her zombie puppets, making them kill their own people. It’s a twisted but effective as no one, not even the Dark Potents are willing to murder their own family.

Although there are many weaker Light Potents who have been struck down by lightning bolts or killed in hand-to-hand combat, with all the Defenders keeping mostly everyone unharmed it seems as if we have the upper hand, but the Dark Potents never play fair.

 Suddenly, all the Changelings morph into a Light Potent. It’s very unnerving to see a mirror image of yourself trying to kill you. My father who is still catching the enemy in tornados then stops, afraid of hurting someone innocent. Adriana laughs- an evil, vile sound and with a swipe of it’s hand it stole all of our sight. Helplessly blind, we are now easy targets. I am struck over and over by bolts of lightning, which makes me crumple to the ground. The air thickens around me and I choke as I struggle to breathe. I hear a deafening yell. I know that voice. Dad.

“NO!” I cry out, but it is no use. Even if I cannot see it, I feel it. He’s dead. Grief washes over me like rain but before I can grieve, I feel my power being tugged from my heart. It hurts but it’s a good kind of pain; a bearable kind. Slowly the fog clears and I watch as countless of my companions, my friends, writhe in agony as their power are drained from them-leaving nothing but a shell. I look to my leader; he’s lying still on the floor, defeated but not dead.

 With all hope lost, I pray for a swift death but what came next is a miracle. Safara rises from her deathbed and confronts Adriana with courage. Safara swiftly shoots forth a fire bolt which Adriana hurriedly blocks with a wall of electricity. Still in shock, Adriana’s guard is down and Safara takes advantage-pelting it with fire ball after fire ball, burning holes in it’s dress and searing it’s scaly skin.

 Fully recovered from it’s shock, Adriana shoots back a bolt of lightning which Safara hastily blocks with a wall of fire. Adriana, now in control, shoots lots of sparks of electricity at Safara-showing no mercy. Each one sends a reverberating shock through Safara- one hits her hair and it stands up on end. She looks across at us for help but we can’t come to her rescue as we struggle against the invisible bonds conducted by the monster.

 Distracted, Safara takes the full on force of Adriana’s lightning strike- sending her flying through the air and landing with a sickening ‘thud’. Her body twitches uncontrollably. Her eyes still. It stalks up to her and smiles creepily down at beautiful Safara. It’s foot lashes out and kicks Safara in the stomach making her winch. I feel my power once again being tugged away and this time I follow the path with my mind and it leads back to Safara. I don’t resist, she needs all the strength she can get.

 With her renewed power, Safara lashes out and sets it’s scaly legs on fire. Adriana howls and hobbles away clutching it’s leg. Safara rises to her feet and stares daggers into it’s crimson eyes.

“GO TO HELL, YOU POISONOUS BITCH!” Safara spits at it and then she releases an enormous fireball straight at Adriana. Expanding on impact, sinister, merciless Adriana is lit up in flames with an ear-shattering screech. Retracting the fire, there is nothing left of the villain except from a pile of smouldering ash.

 Rising to their feet, free at last, the Light Potents cheer in unison as the Dark Potents slunk away wounded into the night. Safara walks up to her kneeling father. “Thank you for coming to save me, Father.”

Terron looks up at her with pride. “You’re definitely going to make a fine ruler one day.”

“I hope so,” she then helps him to his feet and wraps her arms around him.

 Looking away my eyes find him lying still, alone. Dad. I rush over to his side and kneel down. His tousled hair is limp and greasy. Placing my hand on his chest, I confirm what I already know to be true. I have lost him. My only family left. My mother long dead. I have lost them both. I am an orphan. Clutching his hand desperately, I find that he’s already stone cold. Cool tears roll down my face and pool on his chest. He is gone.

 A warm, feminine hand grasps mine. Looking across, I stare into hazel eyes that are shining with tears.

“At least he went down fighting for what he believed in and shall be reunited with your mother in heaven.” She opens her arms wide and I fall into them. Holding me close, she whispers in my ear. “I don’t know what I’ll ever do without you…I love you.”

My heart skips a beat. “Anything…I would do anything for you.” I pull back so that I can see her glowing face. “I love you too, always.”

Time stands still as we kiss and with her warm, full lips she wipes away the tears of pain and sorrow, leaving only warmth and love.

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