Chapter 18

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I’ve tried to escape. I’ve tried melting the bars with fire. Didn’t work. I’ve tried picking the lock with my nail. Didn’t work. I’ve tried screaming for help. Didn’t work. Excruciating pain wracks my tired body as the barbed wire pierces my skin but it is nothing compared to the emotional turmoil raging inside.

 I raise my hand to my face and find that the deep wound has stopped bleeding and is already healing over. At least a benefit of being able to destroy everything I touch is that I can heal myself far faster than normal.

 Having exhausted myself, I sit back in the corner and try desperately to reach out for Aquarius; I can feel his panic and stress but I can do nothing to help him. Feeling the guilt and sadness consume me, I allow hot tears to roll down my face, stinging as they pass through the sore, deep wound. I curl up into a ball and cry myself to sleep.

 I wake up from my nightmares involuntarily. In fact, I am woken up by a whip being brought down across the side of my face. My face stings. My head spins. My ears sing. I am in the deep pits of hell. A stranger tugs me out of the cage. When I come to my senses and start to fight back, he strikes me with electricity and I lose all control of my limbs; I drop to the floor. I can’t move. I’m paralysed. Huffing and puffing, either because he is really weak or I am really heavy or both, the guy is half carrying, half hauling me somewhere- either way, it’s not a pleasant experience.

 Gradually, I’m beginning to regain movement in my fingers and toes but I still can’t move my arms or legs. After an agonisingly, slow journey he drops me down on something hard and cool. Metal. I can feel metal clamps tighten around my wrists, ankles and stomach keeping me down-paralysed or not.

 I can hear a familiar cackle as I see it hover over me. Menacingly staring at it’s prey.

“Your power will be mine!” It announces.

Laying it’s revolting talons on me, I suddenly feel my power being torn away. I scream out as unimaginable pain courses through me. It feels as if I am being skinned alive. My scream becomes a faint whimper as I grow weaker and weaker but the pain does not lessen.

 The last thing I hear is the door creak open and a deep, grovelling voice booming: “YOU ARE DEAD TO ME, ADRIANA!” Then, I finally give in and plunge into an eternal darkness. 

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