Chapter 15

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A day later and it’s training time with Aeolius.

“Right, now that you’ve set the wooden crate on fire, close your eyes and search for that glowing energy within the fire and then try and draw it back to you.” Aeolius instructs.

I follow his instructions but whenever I try to pull the energy back to me it feels like lifting a dead weight. In other words- it isn’t going to budge.

“I can’t,” I complain, giving up.

“Maybe you’re not close enough?” He suggests.

“Even if I stick my whole arm in the fire, I’m sure it won’t make any difference.”

“Are you sure?”

I open my mouth to argue but I close it and roll my eyes. I plunge my arm into the fire and feel nothing but my skin flooding with warmth and my nerves dancing on end. Again I find the burning light and try to draw the energy back and I expect the same result but instead the fire flows easily back into me. I continue withdrawing the energy until the fire ceases completely. Slowly, Aquarius and Aeolius give me a round of applause and I perform an exaggerated bow.

“Congratulations!” Aeolius commends. “You’re turning into a force to be reckoned with!” I smile at his praise.

 After excusing myself, I take to exploring the Potent Forest, occasionally setting a branch or two on fire and then putting the fire out. Wanting to see the Potent Palace from a different view, I climb a tree with difficulty and reach the highest branch where I can see the whole of the Palace with its: Right Wing (housing the psychics), Left Wing (housing the Elementors and Naturors), North Wing (where the ballroom and dining room is) and South Wing (where the Talentors and Defenders live). Beyond the perfect Palace are fields teeming with delicious crops. Not being able to stand the cramps in my legs as a result of perching awkwardly in a tree, I slide down and land without any grace. In fact, I wouldn’t even call it landing, I would call it crashing to the ground and mushing my face into a pile of autumn leaves.

Getting up, I brush myself off and then hear a voice behind me.

“You stood me up.” Swivelling around quickly, I find Thaddeus standing staring at me, looking vaguely amused.

“I’m so sorry, I was too busy yelling at my ignorant father,” I explain.

“Uh-huh, so what’s the story?” He asks, obviously being very nosy.

“Not much,” I shrug nonchalantly, “same old betraying my family, not even caring about me.”

“All sounds familiar…” He walks up to me confidently and gently plucks the leaves out of my hair. Once he’d stopped, I look up at the sky and see that it’s getting darker and that if I don’t go now, somebody would no doubt go searching for me again.

“I’m really sorry but I’ve got to go…hey, why don’t you come and meet everyone!” I suggest enthusiastically.

“Oh, no, no I wouldn’t want to intrude,” he says shaking his head.

“Why would you be intruding?” I ask confused.

“Well they’re your friends not mine and I get social anxiety, so I much prefer to be alone or with my family,” he explains.

“Oh, could I meet your family sometime?”

“Yeah I guess maybe tomorrow at some time if you can get away?” He suggests.


“Here or where we last met.”

“Okay, see you then if I can,” I hop off my perch on an old tree stump and I stroll out of the forest.

Before I emerge out through the trees, someone grabs my arm. I jump and my body heats up rapidly in response.

“Ow!” The girl squeals as she nurses her burnt hand. The girl looks remarkably normal- mousy brown hair, freckles, average height and size. The only thing that sets her apart from the Humans is her stunning silver eyes and the way her pale skin glimmers in the light.

“I’m sorry, but you should know better than to sneak up on an Elementor.” I point out.

“I-I didn’t mean to.”

“Who are you?” I ask.

“I’m Galena.”

“And why did you feel the need to jump out on me?”

“I-I just wanted to warn you, I don’t think it’s a very good idea for you to be hanging out with him.”

“You were spying on me?!” I accused.

“N-no, not really,” she stuttered afraid of me.

“What do you mean not really?”

“I-I didn’t mean to…” She whispered.

 “You have no right to pry into my social life and what even are you anyway?” I snap at her.

“I-I am a Talentor a-and I was just trying t-to help,” she stutters.

Feeling guilty I try to apologise, “Wait…”, but she has already flashed away at an incredible speed. I’d scared her off. What a great ruler I’d make, not being able to control my temper and frightening all the other potents. Looks like I’m going to have to work on being nicer. Great.

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