🏐 ONE 🏐

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"You excited for the first day of school Yusei?" Kana Udai asked as her daughter sat at the table eating.

"Mhm." Yusei hummed, still chewing as she glanced at her mother. She wasn't actually excited though, who would be excited for school?

The only thing that excited her was volleyball.

"Okay, I also packed an extra binder in case you need it. Is there anything else you need or-"

"I'm good to go." Yusei mumbled, standing up and putting her dish into the sink. "I'll see you after school."

"Yes, have a good day. Try not to get into any fights this time."

"Not my fault."

"If you throw the first punch then yes it is your fault. I thought you were the provoker not the provoked."

"In volleyball I am!"

"Disappointment." Her mom shook her head as Yusei groaned.

"So troublesome.." She grumbled, grabbing her bag before heading out the door. She was wearing the boy's uniform because she was, in fact, posing as a boy.

No, she was not transgender, she identifies as a girl and will always stay that way, but pretending to be a boy was the only way to be accepted on the boy's volleyball team.

Don't get her wrong she thought the girls were fun to play with and all but at the same time it was kind of dull. They weren't anywhere near her level, and so when they had moved from Miyagi to Kanagawa, she had introduced herself as a boy.

The school system went along with it because they thought she was trans, which was fine with her. She transfered the second year of middle school, and joined the boy's volleyball team.

Because she wasn't as tall as some of the boys there, and couldn't jump nearly as high, she trained every day. From that training, she managed to become one hell of a jumper.

She topped her class and most of the basketball guys at 350cm where they were all around 345cm.

If you ever ask her, she will never admit it but the reason she got into volleyball was because of her big brother Tenma.

He was her superstar, her tiny giant. But now, she loathes him to the bottom of her heart. All because he gave up his love of volleyball.

Yusei would understand if he didn't play as much as before, at least play for fun. But no, Tenma Udai focuses on his job drawing. There was no way that was more fun than volleyball, Yusei told herself and him on many occasions.

Sighing as she tried to rid her brain of the memory of her stupid older brother who had fallen out of love with volleyball, Yusei glanced up at the school.

She was right outside the gates and it was almost time for school to start. Heading to her class, she sat down in the back and propped her feet up and put her hands behind her head comfortably.

"Excuse me, could you please put your legs down? It's not very proper to-"

"Nah." Was all Yusei said, startling the other person.


"Nah. Don't want to. Deal with it." Yusei shrugged, smirking at the person in front of her who seemed flabbergasted.

"Alright that's enough Udai." The appearance of the teacher did nothing to quell her smirk, but the teacher smirked back. "Let's not have a repeat of last year, shall we?"

"Of course not, teach. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it~" Yusei winked, but the teacher was unaffected by her charms.

"Your old teacher warned me about you, so let me just be clear." She stood in front of her desk. "As long as you don't cause a rukus, you may do what you like."

𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚌𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚝 [𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯]Where stories live. Discover now