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The next day, the match was also won in straight sets

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The next day, the match was also won in straight sets. As Yusei was walking to go refill her water after the match, a reporter stopped her. "Excuse me! I'd like to ask you a few questions!"

"Sure." Yusei nodded, a hand in her pocket while the other held her water bottle.

"Your name is Yusei Udai, correct? Are you related to the previously dubbed tiny giant Tenma Udai?"

Refraining from grimacing, Yusei nodded. "Yes I am."

"I can definitely see it! You both jump like monsters, but you seem to be more of a trump card than your brother was. Any thoughts on this?"

"That's the point, I want to be better than him. And I can confidently say that I am." The smirk and confidence were obvious in her voice as she said this, "Just like he was a monster on the court and a nightmare for his opponents, I'm practically a demon."

"Wow!" The reporter exclaimed, her eyes widened. "And you're only a first year, correct?"

"That's right. Which means I have all three years to kick everyone's asses." She smirked.

"I'm sure teams will excitedly accept your challenge," The reporter laughed, "Anyway, it also seems that you share your brother's height issues, which is where the jumping power comes into play. You've already faced two opponents so far in this tournament, and they both had players much taller than you-"

"Doesn't matter. Height might be an advantage, but it isn't everything. Whoever let's the ball touch the floor first loses. If someone has a tall player who can attack for all they're worth but can't defend for shit, who gives a damn? If you can't get the ball up, you can't attack, and then all that height is useless." She explained, the reporter's eyes wide. "Any other questions?"

"Um, what do you think your odds are for your next opponents? The game which decided your next opponent finished a few minutes ago." The reporter said, making Yusei quirk an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? I didn't notice, who was it?"


As soon as the name past her lips, Yusei's face contorted. Her chin lifted, a cocky smirk appearing as her eyes glinted with pride. "We'll be just fine."

"You really think so?" The reporter seemed astonished, "Shiratorizawa is known for their powerful players, and they have Ushiwaka-"

"That might be true, but as long as I'm around," Yusei said, turning slightly as her eyelids dropped, narrowing her gaze, "They don't stand a chance." With that, she walked away, leaving the reporter, camera man, and live viewers later stunned.


"I CANNOT LEAVE YOU ALONE FOR A SECOND!" Kentaro punched Yusei's head, making her yelp and hold the spot while giving him a death glare. "You are the absolute worst!"

𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚌𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚝 [𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯]Where stories live. Discover now