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Jiga couldn't sleep

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Jiga couldn't sleep. His mind was far too active to allow the rest of his body to shut down. It wasn't exactly his fault, it was mostly because of Yusei.

The demon prince was ever so slightly regretting the fact that he hadn't taken the chance she had given him to confess. He knew that she probably knew, but he wanted to make sure she knew.

Sighing, he flipped over and faced the girl who had taken over his brain and heart. Jiga reached out, but stopped short and retracted his hand. He knew she was a light sleeper, and he didn't wanna risk waking her.

Glancing around to make sure everyone else was asleep, Jiga slowly sat up and wrapped his arms around his legs, leaning his chin on his knees. "It's been four months since we first met, and even less since I started thinking about you as more than my father figure.

"My own father was never a part of my life, being in jail and all. I can count the amount of times I've spoken to him on one hand. He's a psycho, but he's no where near your level. Well, I don't think you've killed anyone but I honestly wouldn't put it past you.

"The fact of the matter is I can't stop thinking about you. You're more to me than my own damn self, which I'm sure you realize how crazy that is. I don't really understand it myself, but that's how it is.

"Dammit Yusei, you have no idea how hard it is not to just throw myself at you and never let you go. I... Fucking love you, your confidence, your boss nature, the amount of badass you produce, how you're short but still powerful, more so than me when I'm four-ish inches taller than you.

"I know you'd never accept me as more than a son so I guess I'll just settle for that-"

Jiga stopped short, his breath freezing on his lips as arms wrapped around his waist and a face buried itself in his back. He was almost scared he knew who it was, but he was also hopeful.

"You're such a dumbass, Tadakuni." Yusei mumbled, moving to rest her chin on his shoulder. "Can't even tell who's asleep and who isn't."

"Yeah, pretty dumb." He agreed, chuckling. The demon prince wasn't sure if he was happy she had heard his confession or petrified.

"But then again, I do like a bit of dumb in my men."

This statement made Jiga's eyes widen, "wait, are you saying that-" As he turned to look at her, he was cut off as her lips connected with his cheek, stunning him into silence.

"What do you think?" She smirked, letting go of him and leaning back. The kiss didn't stun Jiga for long, as a few seconds later he blinked, his lips curlong upwards as he swooped towards his demon king and captured her in a hot kiss.

Yusei, of course, led it as she had the most experience and was a dominant in every sense of the word. Jiga had definitely not expected it, so when they broke he was panting.



"Not too bad there, Tadakuni." Yusei smiled softly, kissing his temple before pulling him so that he was laying down. Jiga smiled as well, happy that he had gotten this chance.

He had no idea that Yusei was planning on denying this had ever happened, and that he would only ever be able to remember it as an oh-so-realistic dream.

However, neither of them realized that someone else was awake during that entire conversation. Kataoka clenched his fist, wishing he had the guts to stop them, but knowing he wouldn't be able to stop himself.

Jiga buried his face in Yusei's chest, mumbling that he loved her. She just smiled, stroking his hair. He never heard her say anything else that night, but Kataoka did.

"I don't love you. I barely even liked Keiji. But I'm always down for a bit of fun."

What a cruel person, Kataoka thought to himself, feeling his heart racing. But that's what I love about her.


"Did something happen I am not aware of?" Nishi asked, blinking several times as Jiga looked so downtrodden it was almost painful, and Kataoka looking so awkward while Yusei appeared completely normal.

"Apparently demon prince had a dream about me, sounded pretty erotic." Yusei shrugged, snickering with Yakoya. "Not like I mind though."

"Well whatever happened, start getting your act together because we have some tough matches today." Kanai said, walking up to the team of twelve. "First we have (random team) and then if we win we're either playing (another random team) or Itachiyama."

"Sounds good." Nishi nodded in acknowledgement, then faced the others. "Let's keep up the good work, and win today as well! If we beat Itachiyama, we're going to the finals."

"Let's kick ass." Yusei smirked darkly, the others cheering before Kanai herded them out to the bus.

As they walked into the venue, suddenly a bunch of reporters crowded around Yusei.

"Is it true you're leaving Anaguma?"

"Where are you moving to?"

"Are you still going to be playing volleyball?"

"Which team will you be playing for?"

"How do you think Anaguma will fair without your help?"

"How the hell do you guys know about this?" Yusei demanded, her voice deadly. The reporters paused.

"It was posted on your social media that you're moving." One answered, making Yusei frown and then sigh.

"Fine then I'll answer. I am moving, but I'm not going to disclose as to where. I will be continuing my volleyball career, and I have no worries that Anaguma will be fine in my absence. I am leaving it in capable hands." She gestured to Jiga and Kataoka, the cameras quickly moving over to them and going to ask them questions.

Yusei just sweat dropped.

"You good Yusei?" Nishioka asked in concern, but she just waved him off.

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you. Just caught me off guard." She chuckled, "Come now, we have a match to play."

"That we do." Nishi smiled, the two starting to walk towards the court they were going to be on. The best part was they were going to be playing in the sub arena, so it would be just the two teams and their fans.

The rest of the Anaguma players caught up with the two swiftly, chatting animatedly as they all made their way to the court, and to victory.

𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚌𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚝 [𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯]Where stories live. Discover now