Chapter 13

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6 Years later

The death of Calliope Cruz shook everyone to the core. She had become a legend among her organization, immortalized by her actions. Stories of her missions and accomplishments spread like wildfire. Colt and Logan stayed true to her wishes, they led their team on countless missions after her death. The grieving process was brutal and had changed some of them forever. Logan believed he would never truly stop grieving and he was okay with that, it was a reminder of Cal. He lived up to his name 'the beast' everyday. Many respected him just as much as they feared him. Logan in a way has closed himself off, everyone knew not to press his buttons; with the exception of Colt. When Colt lost his sister he blamed himself. He ended up drinking most of his days away until O knocked some sense into him. They eventually got married. As much as it hurt Logan to watch, he was happy for them. To this day Locke has a glass of whiskey with his gin, he mourns in a different way. Floods retired shortly after Cal's death, the moment reminded him of his wife and kids. No one blamed him for leaving. Milo had vanished into thin air, no one could find him. As much as it pained him, Logan moved on.

Logan woke up on his side of the bed. Even after six years his body was accustomed to having his love by his side. He sighed and rolled out of bed to get dressed. The team was stationed in Hawaii working on an operation involving Cuban surveillance. The camp was rather large and was filled with newbies. A lot of the people stationed with the team were fresh out of the academy. Logan groaned as he stretched, he looked at the time as it rean four am. He was in charge of training the newbies in the mornings and he hated waking up so early. It was only in the safety of his dreams that he could be with his darling Calliope.

Four hours later everyone sat in the meeting room for the debriefing. Admiral Lane appeared on the large screen on the wall. "All right everyone we've received intel on a group of operatives that get their resources from a crime boss here in Hawaii. There are no known pictures or descriptions of him. All we know is that he operates out of the abandoned estate in the case file you've received. The Cuban operatives are staying there tonight, I am sending the alpha team in to raid the place. Logan I want you to stay on base, you'll be in charge of interrogation when the team gets back. Everyone else, especially the newbies should watch the mission from the coms outpost. Beta team will provide backup. Any questions?" A few people had questions about logistics but Logan was too focused on the excitement of an interrogation to care. Logan knew it was wrong but violent interrogations served as one of his many coping mechanisms. Everyone turned the blind eye to it, at the end of the day Logan got the job done.

Later that night Colt and the alpha and beta teams geared up for their mission. Logan sat at the makeshift campfire with some of the others on base. He was in his own world until he tuned into the conversation around the fire. "I heard she once took out eight ex special forces targets on her own, without weapons." A woman with dark hair talked animatedly about one of Cal's missions. One of the newbies jumped in the conversation. "You can't tell that story and not mention her work in the Carribean." Everyone around the fire agreed as they continued to tell an over exaggerated version of what had really happened. "I heard her team killed themselves because they couldn't handle the grief. Let's pour one out for them." Having heard enough Logan rolled his eyes and stalked off to the communications center where the mission was about to start. He liked to watch over his team. Not a lot of people knew the history behind him and his team, and the team liked it that way. Logan hated the looks of pity he would receive from people. He grabbed a pair of headsets that would let him speak to the team. There was already a team of people assisting the mission but Logan felt the need to lend a hand. He watched as Colt, Locke, and O approached the rundown building.

Colt led the alpha team into the abandoned estate. Locke let out a low whistle. "This place has clearly seen better days." The team looked around the heaps of trash and various grimey items. Once they cleared the first floor of the building O sent the signal for the beta team to come in. A few minutes later both teams were silently setting up a makeshift base. Colt set a tablet on one of the dirty tables. The tablet showed extensive blueprints of the rest of the estate. Logan listened as Colt gave both teams orders. "Alright beta team you guys are a go. Remember these people aren't friendly. You shoot first and ask questions later, these are highly trained operatives. There is no room for mistakes." Colt warned the team before they set off to the west side of the estate. The beta team was primarily made up of newbies save for a few. The alpha team could only hope that they didn't run into too much trouble.

Colt didn't have to tell his team what to do as they began clearing the east side of the estate. The team went from room to room leaving no table unturned. Locke kicked a door open and cringed at what was in the room. There was blood everywhere, it seemed to be a medical room. He shook his head getting the feeling that the medical practices going on in that room weren't for the patient's benefit. The team had covered every floor but one when there was commotion on the comms system. "Alpha team this is beta! We've breached the western side of the top floor. We were only able to capture one of the operatives, the others along with six men escaped. We haven't reached the eastern quarters yet but there appear to be no more hostiles." Colt swore under his breath. After all that happened with Milo the thought of targets escaping irked him. "Good job betas, contact base and get a perimeter sweep, we'll clear the eastern side." Locke and O nodded at Colt as they crept up the stairs with their guns readied. The hallway was clear and long and there were only three doors spread along it. At Locke's signal Colt kicked the first door in. The room was quiet and empty. There was a small, outdated tv with a long antenna sitting on the floor. In front of it was a pile of blankets and a set of chairs with a table in between. The tv was still running and bottles of alcohol littered the dirty floor. Colt's nose twitched as the stale smell of the room hit his nose. It was clear that whoever was here had abandoned the room rather quickly. The beta team was right, they fled. Colt was rather disappointed, he was looking forward to some action. "Let's finish checking the rooms, I doubt there is anything here." The team moved to the next room.

As Logan watched, the hairs on his neck began to raise. Something didn't feel right. As the team approached the door, he noticed that the entrance to this room was different from the other ones. There were several locks on the outside as well as what looked like a sensor. Sitting on the edge of his seat Logan pressed the microphone button on his comms. "Alpha team come in." Not a second later Colt answered. "This is alpha." The team had come to a stop in front of the reinforced door. "Keep your guard up, there might be something behind that door. Whatever it is, it must be important, look at how many locks are on the door, there is even a motion sensor." Anticipation began to build in Logan's chest as he watched the mission.

Colt knew Logan was right, he hoped that whatever was in the room didn't leave with the others. "Okay Locke, I need you to disable the motion sensor before we blow the door." Locke nodded and got to work. A couple minutes later O pulled small explosives from her pack and placed them on the door. "That should do it." The team backed up and readied their weapons. "Clear!" O yelled. The door was so heavy that the explosives didn't completely knock it down, however it did break the locks. Colt and O stood in front of the door with their guns pointed in front of them. Locke counted down from three before kicking the door in. The group rushed in, none of them expecting what was in there.

Back on the base Logan sat shell shocked in the comms center. A strangled cry passed through his lips. He figured he must be finally losing his mind. That was the only rational way to explain why he was staring into the eyes of his darling Calliope.  

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