Chapter 10

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It had been months since Cal had been kidnapped. Logan found out that the 'team' they had given Cho to were actually imposters. They literally gave him his freedom. The team had no new leads. Everyone was devastated. Logan hadn't slept since the day of the kidnapping. He worked all day and night to find her. His temper was becoming short, he had garnered a thick reputation. Other people on base often referred to him as 'the beast'. He paid it no attention, he wouldn't sleep until he found her.

Cal woke to a dark, musty room. She could hear the sound of water dripping onto the exposed pipes. She hoped the rest of her team was okay. The room had no windows, and there was a door in the corner. Cal struggled to stand; she used the wall to balance herself. She grasped the door handle only to find that it was locked. Cursing, Cal paced the room. She smiled when she checked her pockets. Whoever had taken her didn't search her pockets. She pulled her phone out and searched the contacts to call for help. Just as she found the right number, the sound of the door unlocking filled the silence. She quickly tucked the phone into her shoe. When the door opened Cal lost her breath. "Milo?" The face of the devil loomed over her. "Such a shame, we could have been something great." Milo shook his head. Cal couldn't contain her curiosity. "You should be dead!" Milo met her gaze with a wicked smirk. "You're right, I should be dead. But you can't get rid of me that easily. I have to admit I never saw it coming. I didn't think you had it in you to kill someone you loved. We're alike in more ways than you know." Cal shook her head, she was nothing like him. "Fuck you! Why am I here?" Milo laughed in her face like the answer was obvious. He brought his hand to her face and cupped her cheek. Without blinking he slapped her so hard she saw colors. "I'm moving up in the world Cal, I was bound to catch the attention of the authorities. We both know the only person that could get close to taking me down is you. I have to finish the job I should have finished a long time ago." Cal scoffed. "You mean finish the job you couldn't do?" She wasted no time throwing the first punch. In that same moment she felt a prick on the back of her neck. She should have known he wouldn't play fair. Cal registered two men come into the room as her vision began to cloud. She fell to the ground and Milo hovered over her. "Get some rest, you've got a long day ahead of you."

Months had passed, Cal was sure of it. She was handcuffed and beaten everyday, she desperately wished her hands were free. Milo hadn't been to see her since the first day and she was glad. He sent his goons to torture her but they both knew it had little effect on her. Cal knew what Milo was trying to do. She knew he was trying to break her; mess with her mind and drive her crazy. Cal wondered why he hadn't killed her yet. Milo enjoyed watching her in pain but she hardly let her pain show. The next time Cal woke up she found her ankle chained to one of the exposed pipes in the room, her hands were no longer restrained. Her body was beyond sore and she had no doubt that the two men she had seen earlier were responsible. She could feel blood trickling down her forehead. She wasted no time digging around in her shoe. Cal sighed when the screen displayed the familiar faces of her team alongside. She had called to the base just in case the others were being held with her. She was relieved to see that everyone was safe and alive. Cal nearly cried when she saw Logan, he looked utterly drained but still happy to see her. "Cal! Oh my god. We've been looking everywhere for you! Do you know where you are?" Colt was frantically asking her questions. She smiled sadly at him, she had no idea where she was, and she knew better than to use this time to try and figure it out. "Stay on the line, I'm tracing the call" she heard Logan shout. Tears sprung from her eyes as she looked at Logan. Neither of them had said a word. Deep down they both knew it was a goodbye. "Everyone listen to me, I don't think I have much time. I just wanted to say what an honor it has been serving with you. You guys have been more than a team to me." Cal's voice began to crack. "Calliope! This isn't a goodbye. We- We'll find you. Just hang on." Colt was now pacing the room but Cal continued. "KeKe, I could sure use a glass of whiskey right now." They shared a glum laugh. "Colt, I love you so much, you're the best brother a girl could ask for. I want you to take care of the team, take care of Logan. Please." Cal tried her hardest to stay strong. "Logan, you are the love of my life. I was nothing before I met you. Please promise me tha-" She was cut off when the door burst open. 

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