Chapter 14

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Six Years Ago 

When Cal first woke up she genuinely thought she was dead. She wasn't a religious person but hell was the first thing that came to mind when she came to. It wasn't until she felt the stitches on the back of her head that she realized she had actually survived the hit she took to the head. She spent three days trying to escape but to no avail. The guards who fed her once a day were too hard to take down in her state. Cal assumed that they had drugged her. The drugs along with the exhaustion didn't help her case. Time was a lost concept to her until her stomach began to grow. Much to her horror, she was pregnant. Cal knew nothing good could come from her discovery. She tried her hardest to hide the pregnancy but after almost three months she began to show. When Milo found out he was enraged, it terrified Cal. He told her that her punishment was to give birth to the child and then give it to him. Not long after that she tried to escape again. She knew that she couldn't bring a baby into such evil. She figured out the guard schedule and stopped eating the food. However that wasn't enough. Cal almost made it out only to be stopped by guard dogs, something she hadn't accounted for. That day Milo beat her so badly that she lost the baby. She lost what little hope she had for her future. From then on it was a life of torture.

At first Milo tried to get government secrets from her. They broke her bones, they cut and burned her, they employed all sorts of tactics. From psychological torture to rape, they used everything they had to get information. Not once did Cal break. After almost a year Milo realized that Cal was never going to break. But that didn't stop him from torturing her. He saw her defiance as a challenge. What he didn't know is that Cal had shut down on the inside. She didn't think and she didn't feel. She went to a place in her mind where she was truly dead, a place where she and Logan were a happy family; a place where her baby was alive. For six years Cal barley held on, her body was a cold empty carcass.


Cal was sitting on her front porch with Logan watching their son play with the family dog. The sun shone down on his smiling face and it brought joy to her heart. She smiled and looked to Logan who was already staring at her. "I never want this to end." Cal sighed as she leaned into his embrace. "I know Cal but you need to wake up." Cal shook her head and turned to her husband with a frown. "What are you talking about, baby? I am awake." The world around her began to blur. She looked back to her son in front of her. "Wake up mommy! It's time!" The ground was spinning. Cal was starting to panic, she grabbed her son only for him to crumble to dust. Cal screamed as the wind started to blow what was left of her son away. "No!" Cal shook as she cried. "Logan what's happening? He- He's gone!" The hysteria was starting to set in. Logan grabbed her shoulders and shook her. "Wake up Cal! WAKE UP!" His voice echoed in her mind. Cal could only see a bright light and the shadowy figure of Logan shaking her. The world around her started to disappear and Logan began to turn to dust. 

Cal closed her eyes and opened them to find herself in a dark dirty room. She was in the corner sitting on an old holey blanket. Cal felt betrayed by her own emotions. She was angry at herself as she began to wonder how long she had been in this room. Cal let out a garbled sob. A strong feeling of disappointment settled within her as she remembered what had happened to her. For the first time in her entire life she felt truly helpless. This new feeling was accompanied by a pain so deep in her being that she couldn't understand it. She missed Logan more than life itself. Her head began to pound as she wondered how she let this happen. The death of her baby weighed heavy in her heart and soul, the pain from her tormentors weighed heavy on her body.

Cal's pity party was cut short by the sound of shouting and gunshots. Her mind quickly went into defense mode. She analyzed her situation and was relieved to see that her hands and feet were free. She knew the door was locked but tried it anyway. She began to pace the room thinking of ways to get out. Something was going down and Cal was determined to use it to her advantage. She stilled when she heard commotion by the door. "Shit, there's no time boss. You're hit! Come on we have to leave her." Cal recognized the voice of one of her tormentors. She could only assume that it was Milo that was hurt, she felt no empathy. Cal spotted an old pipe connected to one of the walls. She mentally cheered as she brought her foot down onto the weak point. Cal was smart enough to know that Milo had many enemies, she couldn't assume that there were friendly faces on the other side of the door. The commotion had quieted down but she could still hear voices. After a few minutes the voices came closer to the door. Cal strained to hear what they were saying but the thick door distorted everything. She knew that they would most likely use force to open the door and then burst in. So she made sure to stand to the side but still out of sight. Cal jumped when the door was blown. She sucked in a breath, raised her pipe and prepared for the fight of her life. She was going to see Logan, that was a promise.

When the door was kicked in she sprung into action disarming the first person in a flash. However she stopped when she got a glimpse of the familiar face in front of her. Butterflies began to build in her stomach and her hands began to tremble. "O?" She was shocked as she looked at her friend. Cal turned to the two bodies behind her and nearly passed out. She would have been on the ground if Locke hadn't reached out and caught her. Locke began to check over her and whisper words of disbelief. But Cal couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. She was too busy staring into the disbelieving eyes of her brother. "Calliope? Is that you?" Colt choked out. Cal couldn't imagine what she looked like. Her hair had grown down past her hips and she was bruised and broken all over her body. Her eyes began to water. "Colt it's me." She croaked out.

Colt nearly tackled her to the ground in a hug. "I thought you were gone." He sobbed into her neck. Calliope relished in the familiar embrace. Cal couldn't help but look for Logan. She felt the world slowly start to fade away. "I'm gonna go to sleep now." and Cal did just that. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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