Go on Ahead!

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Nightmare : Uh.... i dont think they'll agree well.... *Sigh* I've always done Risky things in my life so i Hope they'll agree...... Here goes nothing. *Opens the door* H-Hello Guys.... *Sweatdropping*

Chica : Heya~

Foxy : Sup Lassy.

Freddy : Oh hi.

Bonnie : Hey

Goldie : Hi~

Nightmare : U-uh... I've ca-

Bonnie : What did you call us here for?

Chica : Hold on.... IS IT PIZZA?!?! *Mouth watering* O...M....F...G I LOVE PIZZA!!!! *Started Squealing Like a Fangirl*

Foxy : Calm down Lassy, It's nothing to Fangirl about.

Chica : That's what they say!

Freddy : Well... They are right -_-


Bonnie : Okay, Okay! Calm down girl, We arent going to eat your pizza -_-'

Chica : Yes~! *Looks at Nightmare* Is it Pizza? Is it? *Asked with an excited face*

Nightmare : N-No! not pizza!

Chica : *Looked sad a bit*

Nightmare : *Sigh* So As i was saying i called you guys here Because i'll Have some People Asking you Questions!











Nightmare : *Looks Left and Right* Uh.... Did i say something wrong?

Bonnie : *Grabs Nightmare By the collar* This better be worth it, or otherwise......

Nightmare : *glups* F-Freddy! H-Help me! T-T

Freddy : Hey Bonnie! *Bonnie Looks at Freddy* Let her go!

Bonnie : *Huffs* Fine *Let go of Nightmare*

Nightmare : G-Guys it's really not that bad! ^_^''

Foxy : Easy for you to say lassy.

Nightmare : Why?

Chica : It's personal.

Nightmare: Oh..... BUT COME ON! ^3^ It's fun! CHEER UP!

Goldie : Yeah right.

Nightmare : No really! Just try!

All Of Them : Okay...... *Both Started Whispering Things With Nightmare Wondering And Couldnt hear a word from them*

Nightmare : What are you talking about over there?

Foxy : Nothing Lassy ^_^

Nightmare : *Wipes sweat* Phew! >.< Now i guess they agreed! So guys! Leave any Question For any of those Cuties here or For all of them, And Leave a Comment, Vote and Follow Me Please And See ya Later~ ;)

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