3. Bloody hell

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"Could anyone tell me the answer?" Thomas, Newt and Minho sat down awhile ago. It's weird, in the hospital they didn't know a lot of things but here they do.

A hand shoots up and the three boys look at the person in wonder, what would they be doing?

"Yes, Veronica?" The girl quickly explains the answer. "what's PE?" Newt suddenly asks as he reads their timetable, "sorry. I was wondering the whole time."

"It's fine... Newt..?" Newt nods. "PE stands for Physical Education. It's meant to help you stay in shape," mister Yukimura explains with a smile.

"Ohh. Sound kind of boring. No offence," Minho raises his hands in surrender.

"No, it'll be fun, guys! You share that class with me and we're gonna do paintball and parcours!" Scott tells them excitedly, Thomas shrugs his shoulders. "We'll see in 3 minutes."

Three minutes later the bell rings, the three boys cover their ears. "Bloody hell, that thing will kill us." Scott chuckles at his words, he motions the boys to follow him.

When they came into the locker room they looked around, fascinated. "So, I know Noah gave you extra clothes with and you kind of need to wear it," Scott scratches the back of his neck.

The three boys nod slowly, they were the last ones to get on the field. All three shivered. "What's wrong?" "S-so c-cold," Minho hugs himself a bit tighter.

All three have basketball shorts and a shortsleeved shirt with a baggy cardigan over it.

"Alright Ladies, get in line." Coach blows his whistle, the three boys flinch. "What the bloody hell was that?!" Everyone turns their way, they're shivering heavily and look like they've seen water burn.

"Why are you shivering?" A girl asks.

"because we're c-cold," Newt stammers, the whole class bursts out in laughter.

"Cold? It's 31 degrees Celsius (87 degrees Fahrenheit)," the laughter is even harder now. Everyone started making fun of them, they didn't reply though.

Coach blew his whistle again, making the boys flinch again.

"Alright, first we will have some fun. Pair up in teams if three and if you have, follow me," The three boys immediately follow coach, seeing as they won't go with someone else. "So, I heard you three haven't been in a proper civilisation for nine years," the boys nod, "I'll explain exactly what we're gonna do."


The boys stood there, smirking. They cloaked the paintball guns(is that what you call it?) and waited for the starting signal to go off.

They'll show them not to mess with the Gladers. They put their helmets on, no-one could see who who is, the only thing you saw was the colour of the helmet which is the same colour as your team. You also didn't know which team had who in it.

The boys had the colour green, Thomas insisted on it. The start signal is heard and the boys split up.

Newt finds team Purple first. He shoots. He hits everyone of them in the center if their helmet. Coach his voice sound through a speaker, "team purple is out."

Thomas makes a telepathic link, "Nice job, Newt." "Thanks, Tommy." Newt blushes a bit.

Minho is walking slowly, he quickly turns around and shoots. Dead in the center. This goes on with the rest of team Yellow. Coach his voice sounds through the speaker again, "team yellow is out."

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