6. Ending

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So I had no idea where to go with this so this'll be the last chapter, I know I usually give a warning but don't worry! I have a happy ending. Y'all have been so nice and sweet to me (you know who you are, aka everyone ;) ) that I will try to have everything I write in book forms to be happy, sweet, fluffy. And occasionally a sad something something. Thank you everyone who made me feel good about myself for once :)

I <3 y'all so much.

Also, I might write a real book. As in a hardcover book. I have the idea already, a sort of plot, I only have to create the characters and write the whole thing. I'm not gonna tell you guys the idea yet, sorry, but I'll tell you one thing; Shan said it was a good idea and I trust her :)

I wish I could meet you all and thank you in person, gosh, it sounds as if I'm dying or saying goodbye. I'm not. I still have tons of ideas and half written stories/oneshots. I'm just telling you all thank you. Thank you for cheering me up when no-one else did. No-one made me smile as much as you all did. Or
Made me feel as good as you guys do. I consider you all my friends. Is that weird? Sorry if it is. I just want to hug each and every one of you until you can't breath :) woah that sounds weird. You know what I mean right? I love you all sooooooo much! I love you all even more than Thomas loves Newt or than Newt loves Thomas or Minho loves his hair. And y'all know that means something ;) you all allow me to be my weird self. I've never felt so happy, carefree, free to be myself.

Again, thank you.


"AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! STOP IT!" Brenda yells while Teresa is tickling her. Their whole biology class is on a field trip. They're in the bus right now.

The Gladers/ scorchers are laughing with the pack.

They step out of the bus once they arrive and smile at the pack.

Thomas and Newt are holding hands.

"Oh slim it!" Minho argues with Gally, who's laughing his butt off.


"Not fair!" Minho pouts.

"You should never have told him that," Sonya laughs.

"I know, I know," Minho grumbles quietly.

The whole group bursts into laughter.

"What did you tell him?" The ones who didn't hear it ask.

"He told him about when he stole Newts sweater which was actually Thomas' and wore it and Newt found out, got super mad and actually spanked him."

Everyone burst out in laughter again.

Minho rolls his eyes.

"Ahww he's embarrassed," Liam giggles. (A/n I'm slowly getting more and more attached to this ship, LOOK WHAT YOU GUYS HAVE DONE, ily tho)

"That reminds me of the time where you *points at liam* accidentally killed a bug and cried because you claim you could've heard it scream," Erica barks out a laugh.

Liam turns a shade of red due his embarrassment. He would love to forget that moment.

"What about you? You cried when you accidentally ripped an inch of fabric off your skirt," Isaac laughs.

"Hey! In my defence, I was on my period and that was my favourite skirt!"

"Isaac. Are you forgetting when you screamed, trashed and bawled your eyes out when you couldn't find your scarf? When it was around your neck the entire time?" Lydia laughs.

"Way to embarrass me," Isaac whispers as he folds his arms and pouts like a five year old child who just got scolded by a parent.

"You started." Erica says before she sticks her tongue out.

"And I thought we were childish." Frypan says as he motions to the Gladers/Scorchers with a laugh.

"You are sometimes, when you're happy for a moment," Scott smiles softly.

"We're just worse," Allison concludes with a shrug.


"I swear to God, if you don't give me my scarf back I will claw at your face!" Isaac yelled as Aris and Frypan laughed while holding his scarf above the bonfire.

"GIVE IT BACK!" They giggle again and almost drop the scarf to scare Isaac.

"NO! Oh my God don't do that again! PLEASE!"

GIVE ME THE SCARF!" He cries out.

Thomas shakes his head while smiling. "Guys. Give it back."

They pout and give it back.


He kisses Thomas' cheek and Thomas laughs, "sure thing, pup, sure thing."

"Uh oh."

They turn around and see an angry Newt.

"You kissed Thomas on his cheek!"

"RUN!" They yell. Everyone bolts and Newt starts chasing them.


I hope that wasn't too bad.

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