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Tony look at my hand touching Steve's. "What going on?" He asked fury. I slowly pushed my hand off Steve's, giving Steve a unforgettable look.
Fury begins to start to talk about my lab results but I zoned out, i beginning to sink into my mind allowing me to forget about what we we're talking about. All I could see is tony looking at steve, i couldn't read him at the moment his reactions were to hard to read. He then sits next to me but not a touching distance. I gave him a kiss allowing me to see what he's thinking, it was blank. I jump back to reality, allowing me to see Steve's face with jealousy.
"Alright Stark, I know you're planning on living with agent (y/LN), I can't allow you taking her somewhere, where she could hurt people, she can't leave headquarters without us knowing what's she capable of doing. We still have test to complete." Fury said to tony, my fear began to make me shake, as I continued to shake, Tony sits closer to me. My worst fear was becoming a reality, I needed to leave. I get up and fury stops me, "where are you going" fury continued, Steve grabs my hand forgetting that tony was right in front of him.
I begin to tremble, "I need to leave." I said as I looked at fury, "no the hell not. You could be putting people in dangerous risk" raising his voice fury looked at tony.
"Stay her-" before tony could finished you blimp out of a room.
"What just happened" you freaked out on how You ended up outside.
As I begin to freak out, I didn't know where to run.
Tony's POV
I seen Steve holding (y/n) hand. I loved her and she loved me, nothing could be happening other than Steve being tall and handsome with perfectly good teeth and body. "Damnit" I thought, she won't hurt me. I sat next to her but not allowing me to touch me, I began to feel this anger in me. I glare at Steve, "stay her-" before I could finish, she disappeared. I look at Steve, "WHERE IS SHE?" My rage began to yell at Steve.
"I don't know" he said, he quickly stood up looking around the room, he seemed worried.
"Well now we know what she could do." Fury smirked
If she wants to play with me like that, so be it
I ran, I didn't know where to go. Steve and I could never happen, I will not allow myself to love someone who just walks into my life expecting me to love him back.
I walked back to Tony's penthouse, i was exhausted of my powers and people thinking I'm a lab rat, these powers were useless.
My sole of my foot began to be in pain, "I wish I was home." As soon I completely my statement, I teleported back to California. The beaches were amazing, of course I lived with tony but things were less complicated at that time. I was just ordinary back then. I began to think how easy my life was before i joined the avengers.
All the furniture was still in place, exactly how we left it.
You felt blood coming down your nose, you couldn't breathe. I began to think about tony, my mind was connected to him. I refused to look, giving me the ability to feel dizzy, someone began to hold my head pulling me down to the floor.
whats going on.
"Baby, I never been so sure about marrying someone who loved me as much you love me, you are my soulmate and will be, you know." Tony smirked meanwhile he was on one knee he continued as he pulled a box from his suit, he opened the box and asking him to marry a figure who looks like you, but different.
This woman who look like me, it felt so real. Like I could touch him.
"Tony..." the woman said looking directly at me. She nodded to me like if I was there in the moment.
"I cheated on you."
Tony's reaction flipped his emotions upside down, his head flopped down.
"With who and when..." his anger was growing and you could feel it.
"Steve.. long ago 5 years ago, it was nothing.." the woman hesitated, "Steve!? I knew it but I thought you wouldn't hurt me, but i was just so stupid." Tony begins to yell, "why didn't you tell me! Before! Why?!"
"You are the mother of my child" his reaction said it all, He gets up and throws the ring out the window. You could hear her pain, even the ring hitting the water.
"We're done!" He storms out the house, he leaves on his Audi making the woman sobs on the coach, everything was coming down on her, leaving her in so much pain she falls on the floor.
Time began to fast forward.
The woman didn't move for hours, hours turned into days.
Tony finally arrived, "FRIDAY" he asked walking up the stairs
"Yes sir?"
"Get my jet and set a location to Monaco. Tell pepper I'm meeting her soon." He throws his bags to the bottom floor causing the woman to get up, she looked dehydrated and dead.
Tony comes down the stairs, "hey you're up. I'm leaving, I will be back in a week to get the rest of my stuff. You could keep the house. I have billions anyway, uhh bye." He smiles but his pain was showing making his eyes red, he begins to walk towards the door, he grabs his bags.
"Where are you going.. please." The woman looked to weak to walk, "ton- tony." She looked at him making tony to stop and look at her. "Are you okay?" He drops his bags and walks closer to her.
Her eyes began to roll back, "Tony, I-" the woman couldn't finish her sentence making her faint, tony catches her. Putting her gently to the floor.
                    back to reality
I gasped for air, getting up felt heavy, I looked around and noticed I was in the same place the woman was in, fear began to feel tense not allowing me to move a muscle. "What just happened..." I began to breathe again. I got up and there was no furniture, everything was gone expect the house.
I blimp back to New York, i run towards Tony's penthouse. I had to take a minute for air, I stoped at the closest place available, Wishing everything was different, it was a dead end and Clint wasn't answering so I called Natasha.
"Natasha.." I asked waiting for a response
"(Y/N) where have you been, everyone's looking for you." She said through her phone.
"I have to tell you something.."
"Oh no." I heard her sigh through the phone
I explain the whole story in about 10 minutes, waiting for a response. I couldn't even believe what was going on, how stupid I was to let Steve confess to me, to allow myself to kiss him. I need to stop now, before it moves to More than a kiss, but did i want to love him. No!, well maybe, yes? NO!
"Go tell him, trust me. IF I was tony I would want to know, but- Hey fury!" She hangs up before finishing her sentence.
I return to tony penthouse, he sits there with his palm hitting his forehead. He see's me, his face was shocked.
"Tony?" I questioned
He stood up and begins to run to me giving a big hug, "where have you been?" He asked, i was to shocked to answer what he asked.
"It's been hours" he continues to babble not allowing me to talk
"Tony.." i said as he keeps talking. "I was worried sick." He continued
"Tony." I rose my voice higher. "And well Steve was also concern, that dude is weird just because it's the 2000's doesn't mean-" he talked more making you feel impatient. "TONY!" I yelled making him stop his sentence.
He looks at me, with his handsome face, that I couldn't forget waiting for a response
"..." I couldn't get it out of me. I look at him, making me tear.
"Yes.." he look at me concerned "hey hey what's wrong." He questions more.
"Huh. Nothing. Nothing.. I just wanted to say that.. that I.. uh" I stopped mid sentence and looked at his beautiful brown eyes.
"That I love you !" I couldn't say it.

Woahhh, Okay it been so long that I've done this, and it 1 am so I'm just gonna sleep. Hope you enjoy🥺

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