Chapter Twenty-four: Disingenuous

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I showed up at the Principal's Office the next morning. The secretary made me sit on the chair in the waiting area. I was shaking in nervousness. I inhaled deeply a couple of times, but the hammering on my chest won't subside. I sensed a heavy atmosphere as a woman entered the room. Her presence was overflowing sophistication and screaming authority.

'Ms. Mojan?'

I nodded. 'Yes, Principal Prim.'

'Please come inside.' She said as she gestures at the door.

I entered the room first before her. Upon entering I observed that she was very organized and neat. Books were arranged alphabetically. No speck of dust could be seen anywhere. There was a nameplate on her table where her name Prim La Viola was artistically carved. The office was dominated with colors brown and black. The brown color was abundant, because of the wood used on the floor and furniture. While the walls were cream white. She headed to her swiveling chair and dropped her body on it like she was carrying a piece of heavy luggage.

'You may sit down, Ms. Mojan.' I did what she told me. 'Are you aware why you are being summoned to my office?'

'No, ma'am.' I answered. I clenched my fist in nervousness.

She nodded. 'I will tell you the reason why you are here, but we have to wait for somebody to arrive.'

I roamed around my eyes in her office as Principal Prim arranged the papers on her table. Not long enough, I jerked as I heard a knock on the door.

'Ms. Whitney, we were waiting for you. Please sit down.'

Venice? Why her? She was the one who reported to me? She positioned herself on the opposite chair, looking at me blankly.

'Since we're all here, let's get to business.' Principal Prim stated, which made us turn to her. She pulled the bottom drawer, hauling out the papers that I never wished to see.

I closed my eyes like seeing those papers was a crime. In the long deafening silence, I could only hear the hammering of my chest.

'Can you tell us what these are, London?' Principal Prim said as she glanced at me.

I swallowed wishing the lump in my throat would disappear, but it didn't. 'Those were test papers, Ma'am.' I only replied.

She nodded. 'Do you know why I have these test papers with me?'

I shook my head to reply.

'These old test papers were here because someone reported to me that a student stole some copies before the final examination from the previous semester. Ms. Whitney, can you tell with all honesty where these papers came from?'

'A concerned student found those old test papers in a school bag at the girl's changing rooms during our P.E., Principal Prim.' Venice said.

I darted my eyes at her with anger. 'Liar. You took them yourself.' I objected.

She scoffed. 'Nope. You wouldn't believe who took them for me. I can't wait to see the look on your face when you found out who handed these test papers to me.' She smirked.

'Shut your bitchy mouth!' I shouted, losing my cool in front of her.

She let out an insolent laugh, pointing at me as I stood on my chair.

'Language, please! Was her accusation true, Miss Mojan?' Principal Prim massaged her temples.

I took a deep breath. 'I–

I was about to speak but the door swung open with a loud thud. The last face that I would wish to enter this office.

'Principal Prim.' He uttered.

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