Chapter Three: Devised Plan

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Summer, the beginning of days of relaxation. The time where we can have a break from school works.

However, it was not the same in our household. Summer was like a day of hellish training. A nightmare of reviewing more lessons. Exhaustion made my nose spill some blood. It was midnight when I ran to the kitchen to grab something to drink. Sometimes, I thought that this routine should stop. But when? When can I live a life without worries?


The telephone ring echoed. My eyes narrowed looking at the telephone situated at the coffee table. I guess it was the first time this year that the telephone rang while my parents were away. My parents hate telephone calls because they prefer emails. They installed it only for emergencies or when something in their line of work needs urgent attention.

'Hello, Miss.' I rolled my eyes as I heard his annoying voice.

'I'm busy right now. Don't call again.' Then I hung up.

I went upstairs to finish my review. Another subject that will beat my head up. I sighed as I open another textbook.


This guy is unbelievable. I told him not to call again.



'Hello, London. I was thinking that you would miss my handsome face. So, how about we meet at the treehouse this afternoon. I have an important announcement to make.'

'I don't give a damn about your announcements, Mr. Simmons. And if you are not informed, I am completely annoyed with your face. So stop calling this number before the earpiece of our telephone will be destroyed due to the ugly quality of your voice. Thank you.' I told him in a compost manner, then I hung up for the second time.


'I said stop calling this number-' I didn't finish my sentence.

'I will wait for you here. Please come.' He said in a melancholic tone.

'I don't care if you wait.' I said grimly, then slammed the telephone.

I went back to my room. While I was writing the last sentences of my answer to the last question, I felt something was odd. His tone of voice was a little different from the last time he called. I was bothered. What if he was a man of his words? So what if he was true to his words?

When the evening came, the rain poured and was accompanied by strong winds. I can't believe it's raining on the first day of summer break. I felt sleepy and tired so I took a nap. When I woke up it was almost dawn but the rain was still pouring hard. Then, suddenly I remembered what Paris said.

'I will wait for you here. Please come.'

Oh no. He might still be waiting at the treehouse.

No. Stop worrying, London. He's not that pathetic to wait for you in this heavy rain.

True. He won't wait for me.

But what if he will get sick, struck by lightning or something, and put all the blame on you. He's wicked, remember?

I hate to say this, Self. But you know well what will happen if you don't go.

Yeah, I perfectly know. He would reveal my secret.

Let's go, London.

I was at the doorstep and prepared for the war against nature.

'Boots? Check. Jacket? Check. Raincoat? Check. Unbreakable umbrella? Check. The rain? Big check. Now, let's do this.' I said before I stepped out of the doorstep.

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