Chapter Thirty-six: Suitcase

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  'Wow! Look who's back after missing dinner with us.' Lloyd said as he placed his hands on his waist.

'Hello, guys. What happened to you? Why are you soaking wet?! What did you do to London? Huh, Paris?!' Scot said as he raised his voice.

'Chill. We just made a little tour around here, then a little accident happened.' Paris informed them. 'I'll just change my clothes. I guess London will just have dinner with me.' He smirked.

Scot pointed at Paris. 'You did this on purpose, didn't you?' He accused.

Paris waved his hand, smirking as he climbed up the staircase.

A group of three middle-aged women in maid uniforms passed by bringing towels and white sheets. Paris talked to a woman in the rear portion. I heard her say, "Yes, young master Paris."

Immediately, she walked towards me with no facial expression. I tilted my head and wondered if they were trained to wear a poker face as they serve their masters.

'The young master had bidden me take each of you to your quarters.' The woman said.

All of us nodded. Her words were humble, but it was like screaming for authority over us. Her hair was in a clean bun.

She lifted her chin. 'This way. Follow me.' She said as she started heading towards the opposite hall where Paris was headed.

'The first room will be yours, Miss London.' The woman said. My eyes widened when she mentioned my name.

Maybe Paris told her that it was my name. I turned to her, then smiled. But it seems like my smiles don't affect her. She might be trained to act this way.

She inhaled some air before she spoke again. 'The room has its bathroom. You may want to change into something much more–, She paused, while her eyes were on my wet and muddy gown. '–dry and comfortable clothes.'

I nodded, then gave her a quick smile. 'Thank you.' I said as I eyed the spacious bedroom.

I scanned the room that she said was intended for me. I couldn't see a speck of dust, unlike my room. I clean my room every day, but this was at a different level of cleaning. It seems like every object was shining.

All furniture, floor, walls, wooden frames, glass windows were shining. The carpet, sheets, pillows, and curtains were white. I could see a bit of brown because of the wood on the windows, bed, and some furniture. It was like a room of royalty. I was still amused when the others said their 'good nights'.

'Goodnight, London.' Lloyd said sweetly.

I've heard him, but I was still occupied.

'Hey, London! I said "goodnight".' Scot repeated, trying to get my attention.

'Yes!' I jolted, as I noticed them calling me.

'Goodnight, Scot.' I replied with a smile, while not taking my eyes off the room's interior.

I heard them chuckled, before they left the hall. I found my suitcase inside an almost empty closet. I hoisted it to get it out. I was about to open the suitcase when someone knocked at the door. I glanced up, then I saw Paris standing at the door. He was now wearing a new set of dry clothes. I was about to look down, but then I realized something. I glanced up again looking surprised when I saw the clothes were my designed clothes. Again?! It was my latest fashion line! He liked them so much?!

'Sorry that your dinner was late because of me.' He said as he leaned at the door frame.

I smiled, then shook my head. 'It's fine and fun. So don't worry about it.' I said as I turned my attention went back to my suitcase.

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