1. The First Hit

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Hi guys, this is my first story..... Here on wattpad I mean. I've been writing un published stories though but that's by the way.
The bottom line is, there might be a lot of mistakes or cliche scenes, but it really would mean a lot if you guys give it a chance. Don't be a silent reader n let me know what you think, your comments mean a lot.
Okay, end of rant..... Now to the story. ________________________________________


I groaned loudly, this never end does it? I really feel like I deserve a break, I mean what seventeen year old doesn't get to do stuffs? Fun part is I don't even know what exactly I mean by stuffs. I jxt know not all kids my age live the kind of life I'm living. Momentarily forgetting Lana screamed my name just few seconds ago, I thought about my life here and how it would have been back home. I find it hard to picture my life back home cause I was just eight years old when I was brought to live with Lana and her husband who I still don't know her exact relation with mom. From what I could remember though, I was pretty happy, as happy as an eight year old can be. I had toys and all the love I needed, life was perfect. That was until dad died, everything changed, I couldn't even get a candy bar on request any longer, it had to be on convenience. Somehow along the line, mom came across Lana whom she said is her distant cousin... I kind of find it hard to believe that though, they've got absolutely nothing in common, I really wish......


Damnit!... I'm royally screwed, I totally forgot I was called upon few minutes ago. Now I barely have time to apply any makeup, guess I'd just have to show up in school looking like a zombie and with the bags under my eyes visible for all to see.
I rushed downstairs slinging my backpack across my shoulders and hurriedly grabbing my cell from my bed. I got to the kitchen and found Lana there trying to make breakfast. That, I can assure you never ends well for anyone. She couldn't cook to save her own life and after having to endure eating trash, I still have to take the blame for been tardy, apparently cooking is one of my designated duties in the house, alongside cleaning and every house chore I know of. "I really need to concentrate, I'm losing focus here." I muttered to myself but obviously not quietly enough.

Lana heard my muttering and turned around before landing a slap across my face, I momentarily went deaf. "You ungrateful thing, I pay all your bills and still feed you, just for you to be thankful and be helpful around the house you still end up been pathetic about it. Thats exactly what you are, a pathetic nuisance..... "
I couldn't even listen to rest of her rants and insults, I was used to them. One thing I wasn't used to was the slap. All my years of living with Lana, she had never hit me. To say I was confused was a big understatement. I was sure I did absolutely nothing wrong to deserve that slap, but ignoring her call and been tardy to make breakfast was enough to Lana to make her hit me.

"Don't just stand there you bitch! Come here and prepare breakfast!"
I was late as it was, I'd probably miss the bus and have to walk to school, just the thought if walking made more tears well up within me a tiny part of me was grateful I had no make up on, even though my eyes would probably be twice their normal size when I get to school due to all the crying.
"Pathetic cry baby, just get in there and make breakfast. I'd have pancakes, Adrian wants pasta" She hissed at me with all the hatred she could mutter as she left me in the kitchen. I was sure Adrian would be okay if I made pancakes for both of them, he was a lot more nicer than she was and was not Interested in making my life a living hell. So I did something I'd most probably regret later and made plenty pancakes for them both.

"Breakfast is ready Lana" I called out to her at the same time bolting out the door. I was shocked to discover Adrian's car gone from the garage, he was off to work and this wicked woman wanted me to waste time making him breakfast. Not dwelling much on it, I ran all the way to school, getting to class ten minutes late and not just any class, it was English class. "Could this day get any worse??" I groaned inwardly as I approached my desk.
"Miss Brooks, you are late!" Mrs Payne all but screamed in her annoyingly tiny voice. "No shit ma'am, its Monday morning, since we are stating the obvious here" I thought to myself as I said to her "I'm sorry Mrs. Pain, something came up" I replied sweetly, deliberately mis pronouncing her name. This earned laughter from the whole class

"Its Payne!! Michelle, and let this tardiness never repeat itself else you get detention, understood?"
One thing about Mrs. Payne is she never address anyone with their first name except when she is totally upset, I felt accomplished to have gotten under her skin and smiled a little as I made my way to my seat without bothering myself with an answer for her.
"You look like shit" Mandy whispered to me, she has been my bestie ever since I joined windville high. "I feel like it" I whispered back to her and she nodded giving me that look that says you-have-a-lot-of-explaining-to-do-later. I zoned out on the rest of the class and was checking the time at intervals impatient for the period to be over. After what looked like forever, I heard the bell and picked my things. Just as I was about to exit the class, I got shoved by a certain someone. "Do you mind?" I said angrily looking up, I wasn't even surprised to see it was Brody. I mean that guy has no other life mission than to annoy others.
"Next time you get run over by a moving whatever, just ditch school rather than showing up looking like shit and causing ache to our eyes" he said and left me standing there staring after him, and to think this day just started. I thought to myself.

So that's it guys, let me know what you think.
All comments are welcomed, they go a long way.
And don't forget to tap on that cute little star, I love you all 💋

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