7. New friend.... Or not

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I groan lightly as my eyes are met with the familiar grey room once again, I really need to learn to control my consciousness. Judging from the fact that its morning, I've been away from home for two days straight now if not more and to think I'm not even in a house with normal people but wild... "Oh no!" I started screaming again as it dawned on me that I was still living with wild wolves, not that there are domestic wolves but that's not the point

"I wouldn't recommend doing that if you wanna remain conscious" Brody managed to say loud enough amidst my scream. This made me stop abruptly because I never had the idea of him been there and found it kinda embarrassing to scream in his presence without a reasonable reason, I mean he is not in my head and wouldn't know why I screamed. Unless they could read minds, that would really be annoying because the highest form of privacy I've had in a long time is only in my head or mind.

"Do you do that a lot?" He asked out of the blues, I already forgot about his presence anyways

"Do what?" I asked curiously? Did he already read my mind? He had better not. I have a lot of pretty personal things there. "That! Zoning out on people, you haven't even said anything to me since you woke up, but you've had this look on your face as if you're just quarreling with yourself." He said looking amused.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You wanna hear me talk? I think we can fix that. WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING?!" I all but screamed at him with my last sentence. I was pissed off, I just wanted to go back to my not so normal lifestyle, but at least I had a comfortably familiar routine to follow. Ever since Lana slapped me, my life had just been a sort of rollercoaster. I mean I can't tell what's gonna happen next and for someone like me, that's pretty scary.


I blinked, then blinked again. He just chuckled! The idiot managed to find my situation funny enough to laugh at it. I wanted to scream at him again but to be honest, I was pretty exhausted. I just wanted to talk to Mandy right now..... Wait a minute, Mandy! She must be really worried right now, I haven't heard from her in two days or probably more. " For how long have I been here?" My voice was barely a whisper and my throat was killing me, all those screaming were finally telling on me. "There's a cup of water by the lamp stand and you've been here for three days straight, excluding the night of the party."

'Just great' I thought to myself as I drank the water, finally sparing him a real look over. He was sitting at the edge of the bed and this made me scoot away a little even though we were fairly apart already given the size of the bed. A look of hurt crossed his eyes before he masked it with a smirk. "Never mind darling, I had plenty of time and chance if I had anything in mind" he said. I scoffed at the nickname, that was gonna get him nowhere, but looking closely at him, he looked really tired, bags were slightly visible under his eyes and his stubble didn't look a day old to me, not that I should care but a teensy tiny part of him was actually worried about him. I shook the feeling off and decided to grab something to eat. I slowly set my feet on the ground, making sure there was no contact with his body whatsoever, and standing to my full length which isn't exactly much, I made my way towards the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" He asked just as I was about to turn the door knob
"To get something to eat" I replied not sparing him a glance but pausing in my movements.
"You might wanna brush your teeth first." He said.
"Yh... and probably have a ba..." I stopped mid sentence as I glanced down at myself, I wasn't in my party clothes anymore, I was in a large T-shirt and a pair of joggers. They were pretty comfortable though " What the hell?! Who fucking changed my clothes? For the love of your messed up life, it had better not be you" I was beyond pissed right now, I was boiling over with anger.
"Awwwn common darling, its nothing I haven't seen before" the bastard was smiling smugly at this point.
I stormed downstairs forgetting completely about brushing my teeth. I could still hear his laughter as I descended the stairs in the fairly familiar mansion as I made my way to the kitchen still seething from anger. I almost collided with a lady in the kitchen. She seemed to be about my age or probably a year older at most. Studying her closely, I recognized her as a girl from our school, she was probably kidnapped too, although she doesn't seem like it with the way she is devouring the cereal with ease like she had no care in the world, but then I'm not one to judge, I mean I practically left my host in my room and came to grab breakfast all by myself. I didn't exactly portray a miserable person held hostage.


It took me a while to notice the girl waving in my face. "Oh hi, I'm sorry. I kinda zoned out"
"That's fine, Alph- I mean Brody does it a lot too" she replied smiling widely. Yep! Definitely not miserable I concluded in my mind.
"Oh please, anything but any form of resemblance to that big-human-dog."
"Uhmmn mate or no mate, I'm not sure Brody would appreciate been called a dog, I mean he is a pretty biiiggg baaaddd one though" she replied with a hint of mischief, deliberately emphasizing on the big and bad.
"Well, your big bad dog just crossed all boundaries by changing my clothes while I was unconscious and FYI I am so not his 'mate' whatever that even means" I replied heatedly, everything just seem to piss me off.
She laughed this time and I must confess her laugh is actually melodious, her entire face lit up with the laugh and boy is she beautiful.
"We'd just have to see about that, won't we Michele? and by the way, I changed your clothes, Brody is actually more gentlemanly than he looks or lets on "
This calmed me down a bit.
"How did you..... "

"Know your name?" She completed my question "we attend the same school, if you haven't figured that out." She replied smiling pleasantly

"But I don't know.... "

She interrupted me again "My name? I'm Cassandra"

"If you could just let me finish one question" I was becoming annoyed again.

"Okay. I won't interrupt the next question" she said putting her hands up in a surrendering manner.

"Okay... Cassandra, could you like, explain what my purpose here is exactly?" She already had that knowing smile on her face as if she already knew what I was gonna ask.

"You'd just have to wait for Brody to explain that, or as you already know Alpha." She smiled again as she left me in the kitchen since she had finished her cereal long ago.
I just huffed as I made my way further into the huge kitchen to settle my hunger, and there goes my chance of getting some answers and probably forming an ally. I would still love to find out what exact part of this mansion isn't large though.
Another update guys. 🙃

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