11. Cooking Fiasco (2)

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I hurriedly push Brody away and he lands on his butt. I hear his pained whines but I don't pay attention as my eyes are wide as saucers, staring at the six pairs of eyes staring back at me with different emotions, the boys are shocked and Cassandra? She is smiling smugly which isn't a surprise to me at all.

Cassandra clears her throat and this seems to shock everyone back to live. The three come into the living room properly while Brody stands up frowning and I sit properly.

The atmosphere becomes very awkward to say the least as everyone is now seated. I look anywhere but at the four creatures I'm sharing oxygen and a room with right now.
Cassandra the bursts into laughter all of a sudden

"Come on guys, this is bound to happen eventually anyways, can we not be so weird about it?" She says when she eventually stop laughing. The guys settle properly after this but I became more alarmed instead.

"It isn't......" I started to say but I'm interrupted by Brody.
"It sure would have been nice if it was even that. I was only trying to shut her up because this dummy of mine was making jest of a whole Alpha simply because I burnt food" he puffs out an angry breath after saying this.

Now as much as I appreciate him clearing the air, I do not appreciate been called a dummy, although he did say 'his' dummy so that should probably count for something right?
However before I can decide on what my reaction would be, someone else who didn't entirely appreciate all his words reacted, quite promptly too because the next thing I know, Cassandra shoots up and speeds towards the kitchen before letting out an overly dramatic scream.

I mean don't they have a sense of smell? The burning smell is still quite strong if you ask me.

Cassandra matches right back to the sitting room and gives Brody a burning glare and I swear, I saw the 'big bad Alpha' gulp nervously.

Now if this were a scene in a cartoon, I'm sure this will be the part where she'd have smoke coming out of her ears and nose.

Yep! She is THAT angry.

However she calms down a little and her gaze softens when her eyes lands on me.
"Actually, to our kitchen?" She adds as she pulls me up to stand beside her.
I smile at this and smirk while looking down at Brody, not that it has much effect, cause a certain somebody seem too tall for his age.

Yeah, I never admit to been short even though I might be a tad bit.

"It's fine Cassandra, we'll just have him clean the whole kitchen all by himself." I say, laying emphasis on the 'all by himself' part.

"Actually, all three of them will have to do the cleaning...." Cassandra smiles now.

"But babe....." Weenie whines, did I mention he's been smiling obviously amused throughout the whole exchange?
I am however shocked to hear weenie call Cassandra 'babe'.

"Nadah! You guys wouldn't have stopped him if you were here anyways". Cassandra replies even though I did see her soften a bit while looking into Weenie's puppy dog eyes.
Then it dawns on me, Cassandra and Weenie are dating. I find this really interesting though. I mean how did he even ask her out? Unless Cassandra did, I don't believe this though cause she might be tough and all, she definitely doesn't seem like one to ask a guy out.

"You do realize I'm still your Alpha, right?" Brody speaks up trying to act all tough.
I swear I forgot all about them already.

"Sure thing. But since your mate is in on this...." Cassandra turns to me and I struggle so hard to hide my blush. Like What the hell? I don't do blushing!

I still manage to reply her though.
"Since it's all three of them now, they'd have to do it for a week." I smirk as I see the approval in Casdandra's eyes.

"Good idea." She beams.

The three just give up, two actually. Drake has been really quiet ever since coming in and I make a mental note to talk to him later.

"So you and wee... Dylan, huh?" I catch myself before calling Dylan my not so cool nickname for him in his girlfriend's presence.
We are presently alone since the guys already went to the kitchen to start their new 'duties'.

She blushes a bit before saying
"Yes, we are mates."
Now this catch me off guard.

"You?...... You mean.... Are you.....can you also....?" I can't even complete a reasonable sentence at this point and I keep stammering.

"Well yes, I'm also a werewolf Michelle and so is like every other person here. So chill" she smirks as she picks her bag and head upstairs.

Yeah right, like I can actually 'chill' with the knowledge of knowing I'm the only human among everyone here.


Hey Lovelies.

Ion know if I am the only that experience this.
You know, that moment you already have a laid out pattern for a book or chapter and somehow along the line, new ideas keep popping up and somehow adjustments have to be made.

Anyways, a new update y'all.

Who else is in love with Cassandra by the way?
I totes adore her personality.



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