19. After Party

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Despite my fears, the birthday party party is actually looking like a success so far.
Everyone is having a good time and I'm actually glad that the result is worth all the stress and effort.

Eventually, the time came for Brody to make his announcement since the party is gradually coming to an end. I look at his face for reassurance as he holds my hand on stage. He squeezes it gently and gives me a very warm smile.
Brody then clears his throat to gain everyone's attention while give myself a little pep talk mentally.

"Thank you everyone for being here, it means so much to me. I hope we are all having a nice time as well. I told you all that we are celebrating a special person's day, now, I want to proudly introduce to you all my mate and your Luna to be, Michelle Naomi Silver." Brody says beaming and holding my hands up higher.

The whole place resound with people's claps and I feel my heart swell. I see warmth and love on people's faces and this actually gives me the boost I need for the speech I give after, I poured my heart and sincerity into it, forgetting completely the rehearsed words.

Just as expected, I become swarmed with pack memebers as soon as I step down from the make shift podium. Introductions fly around as names and faces are identified and forgotten almost immediately.
This continues until Cassy and Mandy pull me aside.
"Wotsup guys" I ask still very much in the celebration mood.

"What the fudge was that? Why is Brody just introducing you to the pack as he mate?" Cassy fumes.

"What is wrong with that?" Mandy and I ask in unison before exchanging knowing looks which earns us a groan from Cassy.

"Guys! He should have done that before"

"Well, maybe he just didn't have the chance to do that." Mandy says thoughtfully.

"I just hope he's not up to something funny." Cassy says adamantly.

"What do you mean by that?" Mandy fires back, aggressively so.
"Besides, he is suppose to make you Luna today, what is happening?" Cassy continues ignoring Mandy completely.

"Is that really necessary now?" Mandy asks curiously, and just like that, they forget about me completely.

"Guys just calm down!" I exclaim frustrated before taking my time to explain everything to them.

Mandy gives Cassy an 'I-told-you-so' look while Cassy just stared at me like I've grown two heads.

"You turned down being Luna?" She asks surprised.
"Not turn down exactly, I just requested for a postponement." I reply sheepishly unable to meet her eyes. She is about to say something else when the guys come around us and drag us to the party, ending the discussion.


"You look beautiful in that dress"

Brody says staring at me dazed.

The party is over by now and we are alone in our room, thankfully. I stare at the floor length blue dress with stones and a dating slit at the front. I think about all the stress and trouble I went through before it was made, and surprisingly, a single compliment from Brody makes it all worth it.

I smile at him and walk closer to give him a hug.

"Thanks for tonight" I mumbled into his chest.

"Anything for you mi amore." He says before lifting my head and crashing his lips into mine.

The kiss is gentle and loving at first, then it gets heated and needy the moment I grant him access.

We've kissed a couple of times before, but this feels a lot different. I don't know when we reach the bed, but I remember him pulling down my already unzipped dress.

He lays me down gently on the bed, not breaking the kiss even once.

His hands caresses my face and gradually they move down, roaming my body and leaving an intriguing burning sensation in their path.

He breaks the kiss for a while and just stared at me, I nod my head in confirmation.

"I love you" He says mesmerized before smashing his lips back on mine.


Not everyone would actually understand the double meaning behind it, but I promise the title has one

❤️ &💡

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