13. Big, Bad...Sappy? Alpha

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I watch Michelle leave the garden with a sweet smile on her face and I know I finally hit the jackpot. I jump up, fist bump the air and start doing a crazy victory dance in the middle of the garden.
I continue doing this for a while before I hear Harold, in my head that is.

"Nice speech, Pal"

"Well, thank you. I also think so." I reply still very happy and intentionally ignoring the sacarsm dripping from his voice.

Either Harold didn't know this or he is hell bent on getting his point across regardless.

"Actually, it was before you got to that part where you made me into a monster." He says clearly upset.

"A monster? How?" I am sincerely lost at this point.

"Well, 'whatever my wolf does is most likely to be all on him,/so please don't be scared of me or hate me for it.' Last time I checked, I don't bite. Harold mimicks in a voice that is way too high pitched and girly to be mine.

" Well unless she asks for it." He adds.

"Well to be fair, you are kinda a monster. I mean you aren't exactly human." I point out to him.

"Seriously dude?! You're dissing me for a girl now?" Harold asks, humour evident in his voice.

"She isn't just any girl Harold, She is our beautiful mate." I reply cheesily.

"That she is..." He pauses for a while before adding
"We are so lucky."



I find Cassy and the others seated in the living room. That on itself isn't strange, the strange thing though, is that they are exactly in the same position I left them, with the same expressions on their faces. I smile at this before taking a seat beside Cassy.

This startled them a bit, I guess they were so lost in thought after all.

"So how did it....." Cassy started to say, but then she took one look at my smiling  face and somehow know everything is just fine.
The guys' faces breaks into grins too as soon as they see Cassy smile widely at me. That is, before she gives me a bonecrushing hug, sobbing quietly unto my shoulders and I hug her back, grateful for the golden chance I have to meet these people and have them in my life.

"Since we won't be joining in on the sappy moments, I suggest we find our way out of here." Drake says interrupting the moment which earns him a glare from Cassy through her tears.

"Absolutely not!" I exclaim. "Cassy here is going to go somewhere with her mate so he can calm her down seeing as I suck a lot at doing that, while you and I will go somewhere private and have our own discussion." I finish in a tone that leaves no room for argument and watch as Drake squirms in His seat as he probably already knows what this is about.

"Yeah, you are definitely not getting out of it this time."

Just as be is about to protest, Brody comes in. Or more appropriately, storms in.

"Going somewhere 'private' and having 'your own' discussion. Might I ask what exactly you mean by that milady?" He asks dramatically while using his hands to put air quotes on the 'Private' and 'Your own'. Weenie knowing exactly where this is heading, quietly leaves the room while dragging a smiling Cassy along with him.

"Wouldn't you just like to know?" I reply sweetly,.moving closer to him.

"You aren't going anywhere with him" He growls lowly.

"Now, now, be a good boy and you might be rewarded later." By now, I'm standing dangerously close to him and whispering in his ears. I watch his eyes change color and I chuckle lightly at the dirty thoughts probably running through hisind.

In his dazed moment, I quickly grab Drake and we escape mostly with me dragging him with me.

Once we made it outside safely, I burst into laughter while Drake just stares at me smiling.

"You totally have him wrapped around your fucking fingers!" He exclaims.


Heeyyy guys.

Another update.

❤ & 💡

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