--Mature-- Alpha!Osomatsu x Beta!Reader

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WARNING! This is a mature chapter, and meant for an 18+ audience. If you're younger than that, I respectfully ask you find something else to read.

If you're older than 18, you may continue at your own discretion.

This story contains mature sex scenes and depictions of rape (female to male).


I trudged home after a grueling shift of work, setting down the requested grocery bags on the kitchen counter and getting into my usual routine of checking up on Osomatsu when I heard a grunt upstairs followed by a whimper.

Osomatsu's rut wasn't expected to start until a few days from now, so I had called off from work to stay here and keep him from running wild like I always do.

The grunting noise was definitely from him but the whimper that accompanied it was new.

I barely moved to the staircase when my senses were assaulted by Osomatsu's strong cinnamon scent mixed with an equally strong Omega's:Totoko.

Did she come here knowing that Osomatsu was about to go into a rut? Did he call her over? Why was this happening now after months of planning and dodging?

My body slid down the nearby wall and nearly collapsed onto the staircase as a thought wormed its way into my head: I wasn't enough.

I was never enough.

After all, who had heard of an Alpha claiming a Beta. Alphas were meant to mate with Omegas, and Betas were just to stay to ourselves.

My anger festered, but I couldn't just go into his room to announce my frustrations. If they had already mated, I could be killed or severely injured by Osomatsu just by looking at Totoko.

I composed myself as much as I could and quietly walked past his room with my hand covering my nose, entering my own room and packing a suitcase while mentally going through different places where I could stay until Osomatsu's rut was over. It could be later on today, or at the end of next week.

I knew that talking to him now wouldn't do anyone any good, so I had to give them time...give him time. With the suitcase in hand, I walked past Osomatsu's room once more and headed out the front door, leaving behind the groceries and everything else.


I don't want this...!

He mentally fought against every urge to continue, wanting to throw this whore of an Omega away from him and to cling to (y/n). His body refused, though, continuing to thrust into the mewling woman underneath him as his hands clamped under her knees and pushed them up towards her head, nearly bending her in half. The new position sent a wave of pleasure through him and allowed him further access to plunge deeper and deeper until his knot plugged the Omega up, her cries intoxicating as her scent flooded his senses.

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