Chapter 4 - USJ Assault and "Her" Hearts Decision

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*Y/N PoV*

Today is another day for school. I was on my usual route to UA walking and occasionally greeting the citizens as I pass.

The pathway to school isn't actually all that boring since Sakura trees are lined up at the sides of the street. And best of all, it has a calm vibe to it that makes it a relaxing stroll.

I was nearing the gates of UA, but something caught my attention. A group of reporters were flogging the gate.

What is the press doing here?

One of the reporters noticed me in a distance and yelled "A student from UA!" pulling the other reporters' attention to me and instead of the gate. In a split second, they all rushed toward me shoving microphones into my face.

Reporter 1: "Are you from the hero course?!"

Reporter 2: "Is All Might one of your subject teachers?!"

Reporter 3: "How does it feel to be under the tutelage of the number one hero?!"

One by one, they all swarmed me with questions without giving me time to collect my thoughts.

This too chaotic! I need to leave them somehow.

An idea popped into my head that could give me enough time to go away from these crazed reporters. It was a foolproof plan that can direct all attention away from me.

(Y/N): "Ah! Hello All Might-sensei!" I shouted in a random direction.

And just as I predicted, they all looked in the direction I was looking at. This gave me enough time to dash away from them, enter the gates, and head to my classroom.

Man, UA is way too famous!

As I reach the classroom, I walked straight into my seat and plopped my head on the seat making a *thud* sound.

A little later, many of my classmates were also assaulted by those same reporters. And they looked as exhausted as me when they came into the room. Luckily, Aizawa-sensei was able to drive those reporters out of school ground.

Bless you Aizawa-sensei.

And speaking of the devil, Aizawa-sensei entered the room which means that class is now starting.

Aizawa: "Morning. Good job with yesterday's combat training. I went over your grades and evaluations. Bakugou, stop acting like a child and grow up. You're wasting your talent if you keep up that attitude. Change it."

Bakugou: "Yeah yeah.." He said in an annoyed tone.

Aizawa: "And Midoriya, I heard you broke another arm. How many times do I have to tell you to find a way to control your quirk. You have hero potential in you, so I expect you to overcome that hurdle"

Midoriya: "Yes sir!" He said enthusiastically.

Wow, he really does pay attention to his students.

Aizawa: "Now that that's done, i'm sorry to announce this so suddenly but..."

I swear if this is another pop hero quiz, I'll break someone's neck.

Aizawa: "'ll have to pick a class president"

Everyone: "FINALLY A NORMAL SCHOOL THING," Everyone thought.

At first, everyone raised their hands because they wanted to do it. But Iida skillfully managed to convince everyone to vote for the one we trust.

He managed the class accordingly and was able to find the right way to settle who should be the president. He seems like the right choice to be the president after his little display just now.

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