Chapter 19 - Shouko's Uncertainty and Transformation

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*3rd PoV*


The walls break as the explosion causes Yuka to cover herself defensively resulting in Shouko dropping free from the binding vines.

Yuka: "The hell?" She looks over to the source only to find herself trembling. "S-Shit!"

There stood Y/N himself, his clothes tattered from the battle, both his arms holding the unmoving bodies of All Might and Midoriya. He looks over to his left only to make his mood drop drastically.

He saw Shouko lying down, eyes closed, her limp body spewing out blood from her head, her skin looking very mushed from Yuka's constriction.

Y/N: "...what the hell did you do..." He demands a response from Yuka as his eyes pale, he drops All Might and Midoriya afterward.

Ripper makes his way to a frightened Yuka as his steps echo in the room, each one filled with a desire to rip her head off.

Yuka: "U-Umm, I kinda went too far." She waves her hands in front of her. "But she's still alive! Just loo-" She couldn't finish her sentence as she gags.

Y/N stretched his arm towards Yuka as he strangles her with his force quirk. He raises his arm, so did Yuka's body as she was now a ragdoll suspended ten feet in the air. She desperately tries to ease her throat but it was useless, she was completely at the mercy of Y/N's enraged self.

Y/N: "I'll fucking rip your head open.." He said in a low growl as he slowly closes his fist, tightening his grip on Yuka.

But unknown to them, a certain girl started to wake up.

*Shouko PoV*

I....can't see.

All I see, paired with the pain I feel from my body.

I-It hurts, it hurts so much.

What happened.

Oh yeah, I fought that girl.

And then she told me about Y/N being a villain.


Y/N can't be a villain...



I have to know, I need to speak to him.

I can't die now.

As if my sentence was heard, I try the best that I can to wake up. And slowly, I began feeling the cold ground, and I slowly open my eyes, though my vision was blurry.

???: "I'll fucking rip your head open..

Wait, that voice...

I recognize that voice...


My mind played tricks on me as I start to see an image of him, him smiling at me from afar. I reach out to him only to make his image fade, replaced by a boy wearing tattered black clothes as my vision finally became clear. It was Ripper.


I slowly move my eyes and see that girl from before looking very pained, high up in the air?

Are they fighting? Why?

Yuka: "*gag* ACKK! *gag*" She squirms like a worm as she was desperately holding her throat.

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