Chapter 18 - His Strife and Her Enemy

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*3rd PoV*

Pain is a word Y/N knows all too well. From childhood to his teen years, he's been through it all. One could say that he shouldn't have a sane mind after all the horrors and suffering he has received, but despite all the terrors he's faced, it's all nothing to him.

Should that be alright? Should he seek help? For him, he doesn't know. Seeking help is futile, for him at least. When you're the son of the Symbol of Evil, of course, you know what would happen to those who will lend a hand. For what awaits them is only suffering, pain, and grief.

Y/N is a fragile boy, physically speaking he's one of the fittest and strongest, but mentally, well, he can easily be shattered like glass. Once he reaches the point where he couldn't take anymore, he changes. 

He was once a cheery boy, unlike his father. But the torture and agony made him always feel a constant sense of fear, his pessimistic demeanor replacing the innocence he once had. After the constant murders his father would order him to do, taking a life would become second nature to him. No hesitation to kill, a perfect tool used for the league of villains. Maybe even the aura he gave off before riding the heli was also a sign of change.

Eventually, Shouko was able to give a shed of hope to the boy, and that's not all. He finally experienced the joys of freedom he never had, the fulfilling pleasures and acts of love, and the sweet taste of normalcy he ever so much desired. Once he completes his mission as a spy for All For One, everything would be over. He can be free, he would have the chance to pursue being a hero, maybe even start a family with Shouko once he settles down. His life would finally be on a path of happiness to which he deserves.


Should he live on knowing that he murdered countless people? How can Y/N ever repay them? The thoughts plague his mind every single day. He was perfect in masking his suffering though, he really couldn't show it anymore, it's already part of him.

A villain turned hero? How preposterous. He could never be a genuine hero, but he doesn't want to be a villain either. Then what is he? Both?

He doesn't know.

It's the wrong time to think about those thoughts now, he still has a mission to do. He'll decide what to do then after the three years have passed.

Hikari: "We're here Y/N-sama." She informed him as the heli they're on, hovered into the chaos transpired island.

The teens look down below them, countless gunfires shot out from mercenaries and drones, random idle objects on fire, innocent denizens fleeing from the danger, it was horrible.

Yuka: "Look down below everyone! The esteemed island of scientists is now an island of chaos!"

Y/N and the two look beside them to see Yuka holding a video camera taping the scene before them.

Y/N: "You're recording this?" He asked with interest.

Yuka: "Yup! For other purposes just so you know."

Y/N was about to question her about it until he sees something of interest.

In a distance, large debris of metal began forming ahead of them. Just below the chunk of metal is a figure who's sporting a maniacal grin as he lobs the giant cube of debris downwards.

Y/N: 'Wolfram, did he use the device?'

The cube of metal then descended towards the main building of the island, but it stopped mid-air. A streak of yellow and green lightning dashed towards the massive metal cube and collides with it making a booming noise. There was resistance coming from the light making the cube inevitably break into a hundred pieces. As if it wasn't over, the two streaks of light zoomed towards Wolfram as two figures punched the villain down to the ground in fashion.

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