Chapter 12 - Gang Orca and An Early Treatment

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*3rd PoV*

Budding heroes are common nowadays. When you're living in a world filled with people born with quirks, the name of 'hero' comes into the limelight.

A boy in uniform holding a briefcase containing his hero costume is currently walking through the bustling Kanagawa prefecture where his internship is located. He glances to his phone, on the other hand, checking the directions to Gang Orca's hero agency.

Y/N: "It should be around this corner." He says as he turns a corner.

He then saw a large building, resembling an aquarium, occupying an entire block. He looks at the label of the building and saw 'Atlantis'. The building sports a dome-like exterior similar to that of the USJ. The only difference is that it has more aquatic features to it. Paintings of different aqua-based heroes are littered on the walls, various tubes filled with different kinds of fish swim through, and a noticeable grand entrance door on the front.

Seeing as the door leads inside, he walks on and enters it. He was immediately taken aback by the interior features.

Y/N: "I now get it why they call this place Atlantis. This place looks grand!" He shockingly said.

It was no joke, the interior was definitely based on the descriptions of the lost city of Atlantis. Numerous ocean-like decorations litter the walls, a shell chandelier with pearls on the ceiling, a glass wall that holds some aquatic life on the other side, and many more.

While he was taken aback by the grandiose interior, a hero walked up to the boy.

???: "Hello there!" Y/N looked to a girl, sporting a blue hero costume and a trident on her back.

Y/N: "Hi, I'm here for-"

Neptune: "Hero internships I know. My name's Neptune, one of the sidekicks of Gang Orca. Follow me! He's been expecting you." She cheerily said.

Y/N: 'Neptune, The Trident Hero. I can't believe she's his sidekick!' 

The boy follows the girl in blue into a tunnel of glass. With the glass separating the aquarium from the walkway, Y/N could only stare in awe. Neptune opens a double-doors at the end of the hall and reveals the inside.

Neptune: "Boss is inside waiting for you. I'll see you around Infinite-kun!" She dashes away.

Y/N: 'She called me Infinite, did the school mention my hero name on the forms?'

He swats his thoughts and enters the room. 


Y/N was greeted with a huge office that looks as grand as the rest of the building. It was an ocean-themed room with paintings of killer whales. The back of the room had a glass wall that reveals an aquarium housing a mini reef. A desk was present in the room with a massive chair facing towards the glass wall.

???: "So you've arrived." A deep voice said.

The figure sitting on the chair stood up and walked in front of the desk. He was a well-built man whose body has the features of a killer whale thanks to his mutant-type quirk. He has deep white eyes that feature several rings that circle his red pupils. It was none other than Gang Orca himself.

Gang Orca: "Welcome to my hero agency, Infinite." He said.

Y/N: "Pleasure to meet you, sir!" He bows.

Gang Orca: "Pleasure's mine. Now before we get into proper internship work. Let me ask you a question. What is a hero to you?" He asks the boy.

Y/N: "For me, a hero is someone who dedicates his life to protecting the lives of citizens and fending off villains who threaten the safety of innocent people."

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