Chapter 24 - Lingering Feelings and Small Reconciliations

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*Y/N PoV*

You know, before I blacked out, the last thing I saw in front of me was the destruction I caused when I unleashed Singularity Smash. Even when I knew that I had the capacity to perform such a catastrophic feat, it still overwhelms me when I actually performed it.

It just goes to show that what I have now is something clearly beyond danger, I could destroy cities if I wanted to. But that's not me, all I want to do is to kill my father.


Killing... that's not something a hero should do. But, I don't care anymore. There's no way that I'm going to have an existential crisis right now, there are more important things to do.

I need to kill him, letting him live would only bring disaster upon this world. And believe me, if you think that I would spare him since it's the right thing to do as a hero, don't jest with me.

He needs to die.

I don't care if they label me as a villain, I've already accepted that fate.

I don't care if I can't be a hero, as long as All For One is no more, then that's more than enough for me to be content.

And what's more, at least I can assure that Shouko is safe. Cause in the end...

She's much more happier and better off without me.

How could she ever love a villain who lied to her all this time? She deserves better, and I am not the one for her.

Why did I have to love her...

I guess that even fate decided to forbid me from being with Shouko. Nothing ever lasts in reality, even happiness.

Shouko... I wish I could have done you better....

Without her, I feel like the barren husk I was years ago..

Empty, hopeless, pained....

And yet..

Shouko... i'm sorry....



Y/N: "Ugh.."

I feel a soft sensation at the back of my body, coupled with the weak feeling that continuously jabs me all over. My eyes flip open and see the scenery on top, the small lights brightening my vision as I recall where I am.

The school clinic?

I then remember blacking  out after I attacked Bakugo with all I had. And as I guessed what happened, I try to move my right arm.

And yup.

Y/N: "Agh!"

It hurts.

The pain seared across the entirety of my right arm, as if all the bones had been broken in pieces. Although not as painful as the injuries I've had before, it only hurt for a moment.

???: "Careful, you've just only received treatment. So don't move that much."

Wait, that voice...

Hearing that specific tone and timbre of that voice clicked something within me. I knew who it was. And I'm disappointed that it wasn't Recovery Girl.

I bob my head up to confirm the identity.

Y/N: "...Shouko..?"

Beside my bed was Shouko who was on a chair, with her hero costume on. She was looking at me with a blank expression as always, yet her beautiful face which I know and love was now tainted with dark bags and red marks all over.

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