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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 2: Sakura and Sora

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

The morning light cut through the gap in the curtains, giving the room and warm yellow glow. Unfortunately the path allowed a small beam of sun to land on the figure that lay in bed. As the sun moved higher in the sky, you could catch a glimpse of the pink hair that was being highlighted by the sun's rays. The warmth from the beam made the figure shuffle and groan a bit before finally turning over and having the offending light shine right in her face.

She opened her eyes before quickly shutting them again. "Damn curtains," she mentally cursed as she blinked several times to get rid of the sleep in her eyes.

She lazily got out of bed and checked the clock by her bedside. It was 6:15. "Perfect" she thought. She walked to her closet and absent-mindedly picked out a towel from the pile on one of the shelves. She took a look at the extra-large material with a picture of a bunch of dogs playing cards.

Bringing the towel up to her body, she hugged it tightly before putting it back on the shelf and choosing another one. She wasn't ready to use that yet and wasn't sure if she would ever use that particular towel again. It held too many memories, one of which surfaced into her mind.

They were at the flea market trying to forage for whatever necessities they'll need to move into their new apartment.

"A towel... with dogs playing cards," she said as she took it all in. "You can't be serious. That's the most clichéd-not to mention ugly-print out there. And you call yourself an artist?" she joked as she watched him hold it out in front of her.

"It's noted that the presence of something hideous is needed to further enhance your own beauty," he stated before he barely managed to dodge a punched aimed for his face. "Again with the violence," he sighed. "I thought the purpose of learning medicine was to treat injury, not provoke it," he said with such a straight face she had to let her anger go. He walked closer to her and wrapped the towel around her body and brought her into a bear hug.

"Well Sai, if I'm so ugly then I guess you can just sleep with yourself tonight... and every night from here on in," she muttered, letting the threat loom. She took a moment to remember the peculiar look she thought was horror that crossed his face before catching him off guard in a quick kiss.

"Kidding," she sang as she untangled herself from the offensive towel. She started to walk towards one of the other stands that were selling all kinds of furniture before she felt Sai's arms snake around her waist once again.

"You reconsidered because your need for me is too great. You can't resist me," he murmured as he began to kiss her neck from behind.

"Sai! We're in public. Keep your artistic hands to yourself... for now," she added with a sly smirk on her face.

"You've proven my point. You can't resist me," he repeated as he reluctantly let her go to browse around the furniture. The sound of her laughter only confirmed his thoughts.

Sakura smiled at the memory and picked another towel before heading off into the shower. She waited until the water was warm enough before stepping inside. If she wasn't awake before, she certainly was now. She let the warm water cover her entire body before busting out the shampoo and slathering her rose colored, shoulder length hair.

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