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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 29: Pieces

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

"In Breaking News, business mogul and Konoha Medical Centers Chief Executive Officer Sasuke Uchiha was shot down in broad daylight this morning at approximately 8:15 am in front of the prominent Tokyo based hospital. He was quickly wheeled away into the emergency room where sources say he immediately underwent surgery to stabilize him. His exact condition and extent of injuries is unknown at this point but eyewitness accounts say Sasuke was shot in the chest while on his way to work. Police will not yet comment on the incident pending an ongoing investigation. The main hospital entrance has been taped off as a crime scene, where you can still get a glimpse of the bloodshed that occurred only mere hours ago," said the news reporter as she indicated the area. "Police will not comment as of yet on the circumstances of the shooting, but with a member of a high profile family such as the Uchiha's indicates this could possibly be a targeted assassination attempt. With me now is an eyewitness who saw the whole thing go down," she said while shifting her attention to a middle aged woman.

"He just so happen to catch my attention when he and a beautiful woman, passed me by. Based on the way he was kissing her before it happened, I would assume she was at least his girlfriend. I remember thinking it was so nice to see young love when all of the sudden we heard the gunshots. Next thing we know that nice young man was hit and bleeding all over that young woman. Thank goodness she was a doctor and they were right outside a hospital, the poor thing," she said.

"That doctor has been confirmed as none other than Dr. Sakura Haruno. Dr. Haruno is best known as the prodigy physician taught exclusively under the legendary Dr. Tsunade in Kyoto. Her father also happens to be Hatake Kakashi, the Captain Commander of the Kyoto Police Force. It is unknown whether or not the Commander will be a part of the investigation. The extent of Dr. Haruno's relationship with Sasuke is yet to be confirmed but sources say that they are a couple and they are close."

"Sasuke Uchiha is the 26 year-old youngest son of the prominent Uchiha Family of the Tokyo District. His parents, former Hospital Administrator and Uchiha Corp CEO Fugaku Uchiha and his wife Mikoto have not been able to be reached for comment. Their eldest son Itachi Uchiha is a well-known Tokyo Detective, and also could not be reached for comment, though speculation has it that he's fighting go be a part of the investigation regardless of the circumstances of conflict of interest. Sasuke's only other relative is his five year old daughter Suki-"

The TV was shut off as Naruto hurled the remote across the waiting room. "Damned TV reporters," he muttered as he got up and paced the room.

Neji retrieved the remote and turned the TV back on with the volume low but continued to pay diligent attention to what the press was saying about the incident. This was bad, for a whole lot of reasons. Sasuke getting shot in broad daylight provided way too many eyewitnesses to his shooting and way too many opportunities to jeopardize their own investigation and keeping this as under wraps as they would have liked.

"Is Kakashi here yet?" Neji asked while keeping his eyes concentration on the news. The entire hospital was in an uproar about the shooting. It was so chaotic that Tsunade had to make rounds silencing them all with enough fear to last them a lifetime.

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