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To love and to Love Again Chapter 3: Sasuke and Sakura

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

Her heart was pounding so hard she swore she could hear it. There, sitting in the big leather chair right in front of her, was a man that looked eerily similar to Sai.

It was like seeing a ghost. Almost the same face, eyes, hair color and skin tone. If she didn't know any better, she would say that Sasuke and Sai could have been brothers. He was sitting at his desk and clicking something on his computer.

He heard her gasp and turned to look at her. He had almost the same reaction. The first thing that stood out aside from her pink hair was her eyes. They were the exact same shade of green as Suki. He slowly got up from his chair and made his way toward her.

She watched him come closer and couldn't breathe. She needed to snap out of it. "This man is not Sai! Sai died and he's never coming back. This man is not Sai!"she chanted to herself. She quickly recovered from her mental battle when she noticed that Sasuke was now standing right in front of her and staring at her just as much as she was staring at him. It was like he was trying to recognize her as well.

They studied each other for about ten long seconds before Sasuke finally decided to speak up. It got awkward quickly and there was so much tension in the air.

"You must be Dr. Haruno. I'm Sasuke Uchiha," he introduced as he continued to study her face. She fidgeted a bit before speaking up as well.

"Yes I'm Sakura Haruno," she confirmed. "Nice to meet you," she added as she shifted a bit. The stilettos were starting to get to her or maybe it was just his presence. "Not Sai, but he's just so similar. Focus here! Don't freak out!" she thought to herself as she tried to find her center.

"Let's get started then," he suggested as he walked back over to his desk. He motioned for her to sit down and reached for a file.

Sakura took a look around his office to distract her mind for a bit. It was huge, like everything else in the hospital. Two sides of the office were made up thick floor-to-ceiling glass, giving you a spectacular view of the city. There was a bookshelf that lined most of the third wall. On closer inspection, you could see that it was filled with encyclopedias, medical dictionaries, binders and binders of hospital codes and laws as well as some books on hospital ethics and business. There was another door next to the library that appeared to hold a private bathroom behind it. There was also a rather comfortable looking couch next to the double door. A few potted trees stood next to each door.

His desk was another thing. It was entirely black and had a sort of curved build. A computer, fax machine, intercom, telephone and a few picture frames that Sakura couldn't see because they were facing the other way sat on top.

While he was shuffling through the file, Sakura took the opportunity to study his face again. Now that she wasn't so flustered, she noticed that although the resemblance was great, there were a few things that were unique about Sasuke. For one thing, his hair stood up in the back reminding her of the backside of a chicken. She had to stifle a laugh at this. He had a strong build by the looks of it. Not too muscular but not thin either. He was at least a head taller than her and had an air of importance around him that was a mix of strength, business, and oddly enough, a bit of protectiveness.

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