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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 33: Let it Burn

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

In the middle of the vast planes of dry earth, he walked towards seemingly nothing. But he knew, better than anyone, that looks can be deceiving.

The place looked exactly as it had eight years ago. Not a rock out of place. He walked to the wall of the mountain in even, unhurried steps as his eyes took in their surroundings. Here, in the wide open plane of boulders and dry dirt, he was the most vulnerable. But at the same time he knew that this place had already been searched by the CIA long ago. That didn't mean they weren't watching.

He wouldn't have put it past them to keep eyes here at all times. They knew by now. There was no way they didn't. Someone had known all along, and that was what continued to eat his nerves at night. He had been so careful, yet it didn't matter. One crack in the ice and here he was once again, going rouge.

But his purpose was nothing like his previous agenda. Now he had something to fight for, and he wouldn't stop until he protected what was his or died trying. He almost did anyway and the thought ignited the rage in his blood.

His fury at getting shot did not lessen whatsoever as the weeks went by. It was that fury, combined with the threat against his family that drove him to hunt them down. He was fully recovered now, but he would always have the scar to remind him of his true reason for anger. Had it not been him, that scar would have marked her, or taken her away from him for good.

His possessiveness in regards to her intensified unlike anything he had ever felt. She was in his every waking thought. Her face, her eyes, her body and even her scent plagued his dreams at night. He burned for her, and being away from her for this long was taking its toll…but he couldn't see her until he finished this.

He reached the base of the mountain and pulled out his Choukuto. Stabbing a slab, the rock moved out of the way. He entered as it closed up behind him. The Sound base was in shambles. Everything was destroyed.

He didn't know how much of the files the CIA had, but there might have been the off chance they didn't get everything. He had to know who was capable of orchestrating something like this with a big enough motive to put it in motion. The key had to be here somewhere. He had been searching every crevice of every base he knew, eyes ablaze with Sharingan that would not be receding anytime soon.

Time was drawing near, and he would be ready once more.

Sakura woke up with a start. She looked around the living room and saw that Suki had fallen asleep beside her on the couch, while Sora continued to draw on the coffee table before her. She rubbed her eyes open and saw that the TV was still on. The ninja anime they had been watching had ended and another anime was currently playing. She recalled watching the intro to that show before closing her tired eyes for just a minute that turned into a half hour.

Sakura covered Suki with a blanket and let her sleep on the couch for now. Sora was still drawing on the coffee table. She turned the TV off and sat next to him on the floor, watching him draw.

"What are you drawing now?" she asked as the familiar outline of the white haired man made his appearance.

"A ninja," Sora mumbled as he continued to draw.

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