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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 37: Into the Labyrinth

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

He heard the sirens go off, initiating lockdown. He glared at the intrusive noise and wondered why he bothered to make it so loud. It was interrupting his focus.

"Sir! There's been a-"

"Ssssilence fool," Kabuto rebuked. "I know what has transpired. Handle the matter and do not interrupt me again."

He looked on as the transfusion was nearing its completion. He was so close. He could almost feel the power radiating from the experiment. He couldn't afford to wander at this point. "Curiosity often does kill the cat. This cat has a time limit. We just wait him out."

Plans have a way of changing when you make rash decisions. That was what ran through his mind when he realized that gunning it to the lab without a plan, ammo, and another person in a weakened state would only hinder the mission.

The lab was going into lockdown. He had to get out before that happened. He grabbed Sakura's hand and yanked her in the opposite direction of the lab.

Sakura gasped, thinking that he meant to take her back to her holding cell and was about to ask him so had he not cut her thoughts off at the pass.

"Change of plans," he said tugging her along a corridor. "Follow me and don't ask any questions until its safe."

He ran at such a pace that Sakura had difficulty breathing, let alone have the ability to ask him anything. He led her through corridor after corridor, each one getting seemingly darker than before.

Sakura tried to get a mental image of the layout of the place, but quickly got disoriented. She heard the alarms and the footsteps echoing from all around her. She had no choice but to follow Shin.

Shin knew there was only one way to get out without notice and he had to take it. He went to the engineering room and opened the heavy iron door before shoving her inside. He followed her inside before closing the door. The hum of noise from the broiler room shook the small area.


"Still not safe," Shin said kneeling down on the floor and opening up a latch. He pulled the square door up, revealing an underground chamber that smelled suspiciously like a sewer, with the smell hitting her senses like a bullet.

"Jump down," Shin ordered.

She was about to protest when he jumped down before her. Sakura was left no choice as she dropped down after him. The smell hit her head on and left her paralyzed. Shin grabbed hold of her once again and headed toward a large pipe with clear water before she could get sick. He jumped in and dragged her with him. The ice cold water from the pipe dragged them through the dark tunnel before ejecting them from the end and into an embankment.

Sakura nearly fell on top of him as she was unceremoniously tossed from the pipe. She was soaked through and shivering. Shin didn't fare any better. He landed in the mud and his entire back portion was dirty.

Both were coughing up the water they ingested.

Sakura rolled away from him and lay in a puddle as the past few minutes circled her head. What the hell had just happened?

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