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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 25: Paranoia Baby

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

Kakashi made no movements as his brain tried to process the new information. Too many thoughts were rushing through his mind all at once. His heart felt as though it was being suffocated. Of all the things this could have led to, he would have never imagined it would have come to this.

Sai had a brother?

What kind of man had Sakura really married? What kind of Agent did he throw into his daughter's life all those years ago? And what business did he have with his family today?

What was the trigger?

That was the question on everyone's mind. The room was filled with silent wonder. A few people in particular were especially concerned.

"Exactly how does one verify the existence of relatives during recruitment into ROOT?" asked Neji. "It's not as though there wasn't any background information on Sai prior to his discovery."

"That's exactly what had occurred," Danzo answered as he gathered everyone's attention. "Absolutely nothing was known of Sai or his origins upon recruitment. It was apparent that he was suffering from some form of post traumatic amnesia. In all certainty he was the perfect subject for recruitment into the ROOT division."

"So you took an innocent child and threw him into the life of an undercover government operative?" asked Tsunade. "Not only that, but one that was suffering from psychological trauma? How old was he when you found him?"

Danzo gave her a smug look, enjoying her upset state.

"Same age as his boy today, roughly five-years-old," he answered. The room filled with sounds of gasps and shock. There were limits upon which the CIA would set for recruiting its Agents. The minimum age designated was at least twelve, with Kakashi being the rare exception at age ten. But to bring in a five-year-old into the life of the CIA?

"That's preposterous!" Tsunade shouted. "Do you realize how great the potential for a mental relapse could have been? How could you let this happen you deranged fool!"

She moved to get up, but Jiraya's hand stopped her as he stared at Danzo. "I should have figured as much. You and those ancient fossils running this organization need to get with this century. This isn't the feudal era anymore and your actions are more or less suspicious."

"You'd do well to remember where the line ends with your authority Jiraya," said Danzo, although his tone implied the warning was for everyone in the room. "ROOT adheres to a different set of rules for very specific purposes. It does not bode well for an Agent to be…swayed," he said while staring at Tsunade.

Tsunade's chest flared at his underlining meaning. She knew he was referring to Sakura's influence on Sai, as well as her own relationship with Jiraya. It was almost as though Danzo was toying with her. She would have responded, had the sound of a chair shuffling stopped her.

"And you Danzo," said Kakashi with a calm tone that was searing with meaning as he stood before the group. "Will do well to remember to be careful of whom you speak," he said with flaming eyes. He knew that Danzo was talking about losing his best Agent to Sakura, and Kakashi would never stand for that.

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