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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 35: The Ties that Bind

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

Naruto was prepared for any sudden attacks after that declaration. Sasuke didn't disappoint as he drew his sword and swung, only to be blocked with a much smaller blade he was quite familiar with.

"Kunai," Sasuke said eyeing the small weapon. "A little old school don't you think?"

"This coming from the guy wielding a big ass katana," Naruto muttered. "Blade against blade seems better than my gun don't you think?"

"Who says it's just a blade?" Sasuke asked as the look in his eye changed. Naruto had just managed to jump back before the blade began to glow blue. Strands of electrical volts grew around it with the cracking sounds of activity sounding like the hum of a thousand birds.

"Where the hell did you get that sword?" Naruto shouted. He had seen this technique before, knew who it came from, and was determined to get an answer from him. "I've only seen that technique from one other person and he sure as hell isn't you!"

"Kakashi has my bloodlines eye and he's been fittingly deemed a copycat because of it," Sasuke answered. "When I read his file and saw what he was capable of, I thought it was only fitting that I copy something of his as well...only I found a better use for it. What did you think I've been doing while I was gone?"

Sasuke had to take time to recover and worked through the pain to get back into his fighting body. Learning the Chidori technique from paper was no small feat, but his bloodline helped him succeed.

"Who else's file have you been reading?" Naruto demanded. If Sasuke was able to read his file, Naruto didn't know how he would handle that.

"The list of who I haven't is shorter," Sasuke replied.

Naruto almost flinched at his choice of words, as they matched what Sakura said when he asked her that very same question right before she was taken. Is that why she was so determined not tell him who she knew about? Did Sai record what kind of monster dwells within his body, waiting to explode? Was she afraid of him?

No, she couldn't be. She was finally ready to ask him for help, something he had been waiting for her to do for months. She waited too long and now she's gone. He wasn't about to wait for Sasuke's permission to help. He was getting it whether he wanted it or not.

"I'm assuming you know just how messed up I am on the inside then," Naruto began. "I also assuming that you know I'm no push over when it comes combat. You have your skills sure," he said shrugging. "We all have our own set of skills that come in handy when needed. But you have to know that I can kick your ass harder than any of the others so let's not waste any more time and just find Sakura and the kids."

"You're CIA, and for that you can't be trusted," Sasuke said.

"The CIA is a team and we stick together; something you don't have to reject," Naruto shot back.

"And you're so sure that you can trust your own team?" Sasuke demanded. "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Someone in there knew who I was and didn't bother tell any of you. Someone in the CIA is responsible for all those security breaches and if you look even closer, which is something I always do, you'll find that someone's been messing with the data compiled from the missing person's problem. Someone in there is helping this sick fuck and that's how I was able to find him! You've all be so busy trying to find me that you didn't even bother to see what was right there in front you."

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