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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 23: Their Place

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

He was unable to take his eyes off her as he watched her sleep beside him.

The dim glow of the morning light meant that it couldn't have been any later than 6:00 am. He wasn't sure if he had ever really gone to sleep. All he knew was that there was never any desire to remain in bed before. But it was different now, he thought as he shifted just slightly to his left, careful that he wouldn't wake her.

She felt incredibly warm. She sighed into the firm heat that enveloped her being. She could hear the familiar sounds of a steady heartbeat. The sound soothed her mind as her other senses began to kick in. She shifted ever so slightly, and a pleasing scent infiltrated her nose. It smelled like rain water and another piquant aroma close to musk. She became more aware of herself and that's when she noticed the familiar position she was in.

She was in his arms. For the first time in years, she wasn't waking up alone. The memories of last night hit her central nervous system like a meteor. She was awake now, but she dare not open her eyes. Instead, she focused on sensing him.

She noticed his strong arm that was weighing down her hip and caressing the bare skin of her lower back with his rough fingers. Her head moved with the steady rise and fall of his chest. Unconsciously her arm, which was slung over him, moved and roamed about his skin.

Agile shoulder blades, pronounced latissimus dorsai muscles, perfectly aligned inter-vertebral disks, and the hot skin that covered them. She felt him shift at the first touch, and as he did so, the faint glow of the early morning light penetrated her eyelids. Slowly, she opened them to meet two onyx orbs.

The light spilled over her eyes as she opened them. Striking emerald green orbs stared back at him. Her lips curved in a smile as she met his stare. Neither one spoke as they just gazed at each other. Finally, his hand began to slide up from her hip, up across her sides to stroke her face, before sliding down her neck. He briefly caressed the marks that he made before sliding down.

His finger hooked around the silver chain and pulled up the circle pendant that was lodged between them. Sakura's eyes watched the pendant as it rested between his fingers. The diamonds that encrusted its surface absorbed the dim morning sunlight and sparkled.

Their eyes met again, and then he moved.

He spent the better part of last night immersed within her and kissing those lips. What better way to start the day than to kiss her again.

She sighed softly as he kissed her. She closed her eyes pulled him closer, wrapping both arms around his neck. Sasuke leaned over her as his arm secured her against him.

Waking up to her felt so natural. How could he go so long without her in his life? Granted, they were both still young, but they lead lives that were beyond their years. They both had important careers, not to mention children old enough to be in school. Yet at the same time, it was their exact circumstances that brought them together, and for that he could not complain.

He pulled her against his torso and brought her up into a sitting position near the edge of the bed, still locked in a kiss. The sheets were haphazardly tangled around and between their otherwise naked bodies.

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