Chapter 1

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Akaashi P.O.V
I wasn't born with it, it grew gradually. I remember how it started though..

I was a first year at Fukurodani High school and was going to their gym for volleyball tryouts! I always played setter so I proclaimed myself as one.
"My name is Akaashi Keiji and I play setter" I said trying to stay calm. The boys weren't intimidating after getting to know then. But there was this one boy. The captain of the team. He was outgoing and brave! Always there when I needed him. His name is Bokuto Koutaro, and from that moment on I never saw anything the same.
He was an inspiration an star that lead me to keep going. He's a year above me meaning I don't see him much around school since our years are on different floors but we always walk home together and I enjoy it a lot. The glistening moon light shining on his golden eyes and his dyed hair which contrasted the sky made it a beautiful piece of art to watch. I was so mesmerised in what I thought was admiration I didn't know I would fall in love.

I didn't know I would be unrequited. We had a talk once saying, if anyone was to reject Akaashi they had to be mad. "Akaashi is amazing!" Is what he said I obviously blushed.

I didn't notice my disease until I first cried for him today. He was confessed to by a girl and he accepted it. I happened to over heard and that's when I heard the sparkles washing over me and these tears which were mind came trickling down my face. It was painful, the tears felt like knives going down my face but no cuts.. no scars. I don't know how to approach this disease. Should I tell my parents? A doctor?? But I do know that I..
I love him.

// POV end//
Akaashi sighed and closed his diary before placing it on his bedside table along with the pen he used.
He went into his sheets and tried to get some sleep. However he couldn't. The same name kept coming up while he mind rushed with questions like is he dating her now? Will this effect his game play? and the one that made him cry I'm disgusting for liking a boy.
The same sprinkles of star dust left his eyes the same feeling as the earlier that day. He managed to fit in a few hours of rest but in the morning his eyes were swollen.

Akaashi left his household early without any interaction with his parents, he tried so hard to clean his face but the stains stayed there like a.. disease.

"heyyy Akaashi-kun! Konoha said while walking up to him and wrapping his arms around his neck. "Not walking with Bokuto- kun today?" He asked. Responsively, Akaashi jolted at the word 'Bokuto" which made Konoha prance off him. "Hey man you okay?" He asked concerning himself to face Akaashi but he just looked away. The sparkles from the tears were still there. Akaashi trusts Konoha, despite being in the same class as Bokuto. Konoha is a good upperclassman and quite reliable so Akaashi told him.

" Have you heard of the Star Tear Disease Konoha san?"

will you be my star? (Bokuaka, star tear au)Where stories live. Discover now