the begining

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You had been having a difficult time over the past few months so you decided to start a new life in roblox. Well it wouldn't be a complete fresh start because you were still trying to keep a long distance relationship with your boyfriend. Well he was one of the reasons you left, you just didn't feel the same love for him anymore and the rumors about him were crazy! But you couldn't let go of him entirely even if you found pictures of him in a maid outfit or heard he was dead or you heard he was with someone else or even fricking heard he was an earthworm! (hopefully you can guess who it is) 

So you moved into a comfortable house in meep city and got a job at a pizza place. One day (it had been a week since you moved to roblox) on your way home from work you caught a glimpse of a beautiful man who's hair resembled bacon you began to blush when he turned around and saw you're face something extraordinary happened in those two seconds. You walked up to the mysterious hot guy blushing "hi I'm (Y/n)". "hello" he replied in a stunning manly voice "My name is bacon hair". What a beautiful name you thought to yourself. "can I have you're number?" you said blushing intensely. "sure" bacon hair replied also blushing. You exchanged numbers and then you headed back to your house in meep city your heart finally feeling full again.

  You lay on your bed your mind consumed by images of bacon hair. Suddenly you're phone made that weird noise it makes when you get a text message. You picked up your phone expecting a message from your old boyfriend but it was bacon hair! "hey wanna go on a date to bloxberg tomorrow?" was the text. You wanted to say yes but then you remembered your boyfriend but one date wouldn't hurt? would it? "yes see you tomorrow :)" was your reply what could go wrong?

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