Reckless Captains...

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[After a long battle]

Kix, fretting over Rex's wounds: How many times do I have to tell you NOT to charge headfirst into a battle?! You aren't General Skywalker!

Rex: I wouldn't be helping much if I just sat behind a rock until the droids stopped firing!

Kix, scowling: Ugh... are all Captains this reckless?

Drifter (an OC), tending to Fault's wounds at another station: Yeah. Our Captain's the same way. He can't seem to learn when to charge and when to hang back. [glares at Fault]

Fault (also an OC): Well somebody's gotta lead the charge! We're the Captains, for kriff's sake!

Rex: I like the way this guy thinks!

Kix and Drifter: [sighs heavily]

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