Can you keep a secret?

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Anakin: Rex, can you keep a secret?

Rex: [opens his mouth to answer, looking uncertain]

Anakin: [cuts him off] Great! Look, here's the thing. I kinda fell in love with Padmé. Yeah, that Padmé, the Nabooan senator. So, kinda crazy, right?

Rex: [wide-eyed and shocked] S-Sir, that's—

Anakin: [cuts him off again] Anyways... So we got married in secret. No one knows about it, not even Obi-Wan. Which is why you can't tell anyone about it. I need to check on her sometimes, make a holocall, and I need you to stand guard so that Obi-Wan doesn't catch me talking to her, okay?

Rex: [stammering] W-Well I suppose I—

Anakin: And I absolutely HAVE to check in on her on occasion because, well you see, one thing led to another and she's actually pregnant and I'm the father.

Rex: [unintelligible high-pitched whimper] sIR?

Anakin: [sighs deeply and pats Rex's shoulder] Glad to know I can count on you, Rex.



Rex: [shoves his helmet over his head]


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