The Hunt For A Jedi: Mini-Story

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This is a mini-story that's focused around my Sith OC Darth Mazion hunting down a Jedi. It isn't a particular Jedi, so they will remain unnamed.

Batuu, a backwater planet that had long since been forgotten. Most hardly even knew it existed.

What had once been a bustling space port for travelers was now reduced to a safe-haven for those on the run, the most recent arrival being that of a Jedi. He was running from the chaos that resulted from the aftermath of Order 66. The Jedi who had survived it were now being hunted down and slaughtered by the Empire. A particular Jedi sought refuge on this arboreal planet in hopes that he could start a new life.

But as he began to get more comfortable, he started making mistakes.

Mistakes that would ultimately cost him his life.


Darth Mazion examined the remnants of what used to be a small camp from a distance while his troopers searched the area.

It wasn't hard to find. The intelligence he received from the Empire led him to the planet, then he just had to follow the smoke that curled high into the clear blue sky. Any person hiding from the Empire would've known not to leave a fire burning on a clear day, but this Jedi had been careless. Mazion loved it when his prey made mistakes.

"Darth Mazion, there's no sign of the Jedi in the camp." A purge trooper stated, pulling him from his thoughts.

Darth Mazion didn't acknowledge the trooper right away, his attention elsewhere. He was feeling around the area, seeing if he could sense the presence of a Jedi nearby. When that failed to yield any results, he turned his attention to the trooper by his side. "He couldn't have gone far. Destroy the camp and take anything of value or importance." He said, his hidden gaze now wandering over to the thick undergrowth that surrounded the camp. "Tell the troops to remain here until my return."

"Yes sir." The trooper said with a nod, leaving without another word.

The Sith Inquisitor turned on his heel and swiftly strode into the undergrowth, his black uniform melting into the shadows. He easily parted through the swath of foliage that covered the ground and slowed his pace once he had gone a decent distance into the forest.

He allowed his field to expand, taking note of the creatures in the area. While their life forces were minuscule, he could still feel them. He could draw upon their strength if he wished, but that would be a waste of time and energy. His current energy needed to be preserved for the battle ahead.

While he was musing over these little details, something larger than a simple scavenger entered his field. He could feel a slight disturbance in the force, which made him smile under his helmet.

The Jedi was nearby.

Darth Mazion silently stepped back into the shadows, actively listening to the Jedi's footsteps based on crunching leaves or the snap of a twig. It wouldn't be very long until the Jedi sensed his presence as well. He slowly curled his fingers around the hilt of his lightsaber, waiting for the precise moment.

The Jedi soon came into view, his grey and brown robes standing out against the overwhelming greenness of the forest surrounding him. He was carrying a wooden bowl that looked to be filled with water, completely unaware of the imminent danger he was in. But then, he paused.

That brief pause was all the time Darth Mazion needed to ignite his lightsaber, a red glow illuminating his intimidating figure and thus announcing his presence. Before the Jedi could even react, he had flung his arm forwards and seized him in an invisible grip.

"Fool." Mazion seethed. His fingers curled inwards, tightening his grip on the Jedi. "Did you really think you could simply forget your past and live out your glory days on this backwater planet? You should know by now. You cannot run from the Empire."

The Jedi scowled at him. "Even the forgotten planets can't escape your wrath. Hasn't the Empire caused enough damage?!" He pushed outwards with his own force abilities, breaking Mazion's grip. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he had drawn his lightsaber.

Sith Inquisitor and Jedi stood face to face, staring each other down in a test of will.

Mazion was the first to strike, his body becoming a black blur as he lunged forwards. One of his lightsaber's blades clashed with the Jedi's, causing purple sparks to fly. He drew back and immediately struck again, his attacks growing in intensity.

Neither opponent was able to land a hit, their attempts always being blocked or thwarted by the other. It was a dance of death, sparks of red, blue, and purple illuminating the forest as the sky grew dark. Then, in a twist of fate, the Jedi managed to land a blow on Mazion's shoulder. The blue lightsaber sliced straight through the shoulder pad and into the fabric underneath, carving a searing wound into Mazion's flesh.

Yet Mazion did not falter. The pain simply fueled his rage. He thrust out his hand and seized the Jedi in a crushing grip, slowly bringing his fingers inward once again to increase the pressure. Then, in one swift movement, he curled his fingers into a fist and listened to the loud crunch of the Jedi's ribs and the cry of pain that followed. Seeing that the Jedi was still alive, he yanked him forwards and impaled him on his lightsaber.

After a brief moment, he deactivated his lightsaber and watched the Jedi's lifeless body crumple to the ground. He didn't stay to gloat over his victory. The only thing he took as a trophy was the Jedi's lightsaber. The body was left to rot, as the lightsaber was enough proof that the job had been done.

That day, another Jedi fell to the Empire.

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