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"She was so beautiful. And she was so nice to me."

"Tyler, you testified that life at Liberty High School was bad before Hannah Baker killed herself. How is it now? Tyler?"

"It's worse."

It's been five months since Hannah Baker killed herself. Nobody ever thought the trial would happen. But it's here. They all thought they could move on.

Tatum Walker was sitting in her room debating whether or not she'd go to school. She knew Jessica Davis was going to be back today, same with Alex Standall. Her boyfriend, Montgomery de la Cruz was going and her brother, Bryce Walker. The two people she didn't want to see most. She finally decided that she had missed enough of school. She would hang with herself today. There was a slight knock at her door. She got up from her bed, walked over, and opened the door.

"Chloe? What are you doing here?" Tatum was shocked to see Chloe. I mean they talked sometimes but she wouldn't consider them friends. She was just another one of her brothers flings.

"Bryce told me that you didn't want to come to school, so I figured I'd try and come talk you into going."


"I want you to try out for cheer," Tatum grabbed her bag and walked passed her.

"Hell no," They walked downstairs and saw Montgomery and Bryce talking.

"Thought it was gonna settle," Monty said towards Bryce. Tatum and Chloe stayed back to where the two boys couldn't see so they could listen.

"Don't worry about it."

"What, is that Cory Jensen gonna testify?"


"Don't know, don't care."

"Yeah, all that Hannah Baker shit will get dredged up all over again."

"My dad's got the trial covered. We'll figure it out."

"Now fucking Jessica Davis is coming back to Liberty? Is that a coincidence or what?"

"Again, man. Don't know, don't care. Don't worry about the fucking trial, man."

"Tate, hey. Chloe talk you into coming to school?" Bryce asked grabbing a banana and setting it on the counter in front of Tatum.

"I did indeed. I also told her she should try out for cheer," Tatum stayed quiet the whole time. She meant it when she said she never wanted to talk to them again.

"Babe, you totally should. You could be cheering me on! You'd look so hot," Monty said walking over to her. She took a step back. It bothered her that he would tell her she'd look hot. She finally got to the point where she was comfortable with having Monty as her boyfriend, kissing him, him complimenting her but she never liked him telling her how 'hot' she was. It brought back memories from her and Chase. Memories that she didn't want to think about.

"I'd look hot? Really? That's all you're thinking about? When guys think of cheerleaders do they just imagine how 'hot' they'll look? I told you to not talk to me and I mean it. Leave me the hell alone," she grabbed the banana and her bag and left.

Pulling up to school, Tatum regretted going to school. She knew she needed to be there for Jess but her not being on speaking terms with her brother and boyfriend was hard for her. She shut her door, and waited for Jessica to show up. Finally, Jessica's dads car pulled up to the front. As Jessica got out, all heads turned to see the girl who cried rape had finally come back to school.

"Part of me didn't want to come to court today. But I knew I had to be here. For Hannah. For her mom. For everyone who gets bullied while Liberty lets them get away with it. Guys like Scott Reed, Montgomery de la Cruz, Bryce Walker."

"Hey Jess,"

"Hey," Alex now joined the two girls as they walked down the halls.

"You look beautiful today. You both do,"

"So do you."

"I look damaged."

"It's a good look on you." Tatum said laughing at her two friends. After Alex shot himself, him and Tatum got closer.

"See, everybody's checking you out,"

"They're checking you out,"

"He's right Jess. You're pretty and sad. People love that."

"You have a cane and a scar. All my scars are inside."

"Me too girl,"

"We are all definitely going to hell for joking about this,"

"Alex, my friend, we're in hell already. I plan to look like I'm enjoying it," Tatum shook her head at her friends. She loved that they could make light of any situation. Zach came up to the three grabbing Alex's backpack.

"I'll take that."

"I can carry my own books."

"Well, clearly you can't, so let me help, don't be a dick. And welcome back." Zach said turning towards Jess.

"Thank you."

"I meant to ask you guys about my note."

"What note?" Tatum asked confused.

"My suicide note." Alex grabbed a note from his pocket pulling it out. Tatum grabbed the note shoving it back into his pocket.

"Jesus put that away." Zach said.

"It's not radioactive."

"No, I know it's just," Zach started to say but couldn't find the right words.

"We're not allowed to talk about suicide. Or you. Or Hannah." Tatum finished.

"Says who?"

"The school. The made a rule the day after you.. after that day. If you talk about it on campus, you get suspended."

"That's so fucked up." Montgomery, Scott Reed, and Bryce now walked up to the group of four.

"Hey! Jess, Alex, welcome back you guys." Bryce said slowly walking passed them.

"Sup Alex? Jess. Hey babe," Monty says putting an arm around his girlfriend. She moves his arm and walks away.

After school, Tatum and Jessica made their way out to the fields for cheer practice. Tatum decided that she'd do cheer only if Jess did it with her.

"Jess! Oh hey Tatum." Chloe said.

"Hey, Chloe."

"Jess, it's so good to have you back. Tatum, I'm glad you decided to join us. Just in time. We're starting our routining for summer competitions. And I want you to be a flyer."

"Wait what? I thought I was supposed-"

"You have the athleticism and focus."

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