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Montgomery pulled up Liberty High School. Tatum gave him a kiss on the cheek as her and Bryce exited the car.

"Be careful," Monty said before pulling away. Tatum and Bryce walked into Liberty High School together, ready to face the dickhead himself.

"Tatum hey, you feeling okay?" Jess said as she linked arms with the blonde.

"I'm ok. Just got to get through today," Jess nodded her head in agreement. She walked Tatum into her first class, leaving her with Zach. She took her usual seat in the back of the room by Zach.

"Hey," Zach said leaning over towards her.

"Hi," Tatum focused her attention back towards the board, ready to get her last day over with. Before class begun, she heard someone sit in the empty seat next to her, Monty's seat.

"Tatum. Nice to see your pretty face again," Chase Parker had just sat down next to her. she couldn't even turn to look at his face before flashbacks from over the weekend, and her birthday party.

"Chase, get the fuck away from her. She doesn't want to see you nor talk to you," Zach said standing up, getting ready to pick a fight. She stood up pushing him back a little, still not looking at Chase. She grabbed her bag and headed for the door.

"Tatum wait!" Zach called out, grabbing his stuff chasing after her. When he finally caught up to her she was standing in front of the school doors, getting ready to walk out. "Are you okay?"

"Do I look like I'm okay? Do I Zach? Everyone keeps asking me if I'm okay or how I'm feeling, well I'm feeling pretty shitty about myself. I'm not okay Zach, I'm okay and I just want to go home," tears had started to fall down her cheeks. Zach placed his hand gently on her shoulder, offering her support.

"Can I drive you home at least?"

"No, it's fine. Monty will pick me up. Thanks," he nodded his head and started to walk back to class.

"Mrs. Walker," Tatum turned around only be faced with Mr. Porter, the school's guidance counselor, well, the school's worst guidance counselor.


"shouldn't you be in class?" he asked walking towards her.

"I'm going home, now if you'll excuse me, my ride is here," Monty's jeep had just pulled up, him hopping out of the drivers side.

"come have a chat with me in my office, it'll only be a few minutes," he motioned her to follow him. "Mr. De la Cruz, thought you were suspended?"

"I'm here to pick up Tatum, what's going on?"

"Nothing, I'll be right out," he nodded his head and walked back to his jeep. She walked into his office, taking a seat in the chairs in front of his desk. "So, what's the problem?"

"Why are you leaving school?" he bluntly asked.

"I don't want to be here,"

"Does it have something to do with Mr. Parker being back?"

"Nope, just don't want to be here so I'll be leaving now," with that, she grabbed her bag, leaving his office without turning back. She walked out of the front schools, running over to Monty's jeep, throwing herself into his arms. Her head rested against his chest, his long, muscular arms wrapped around her as he's keeping her safe.

"Can we go home please?" he nodded his walking her over to the passenger side, leaving the school.

Once Montgomery and Tatum arrived home, they saw her parents car in the driveway.

"Crap," Tatum said getting out of the car. They walked into the house and met her parents sitting in the living room.

"Tatum, Montgomery? Isn't today Monday? So shouldn't you two be at school?" her mom said, setting down her glass of wine, crossing her legs.

"I'm suspended," Monty said. Tatum pushed him slightly, mad that he said that.


"um," she dropped her bag and run up the stairs. She reached her room and shut her door letting out the cry she had tried to hold in all day.

"What's wrong with her?" her dad asked Monty, who still stood in front of them. He motioned towards the stairs, telling them he had to go check on her.

knock, knock

"what Monty?" Tatum questioned, sitting on her bed.

"you need to tell your parents. They need to know so we can take him to court Tate," she got up from her bed and made her way over to her door, opening it so she was face to face with Monty.

"but, I'm just scared," Monty shook his head pulling her into a long awaited hug.

"It's okay, I'll be by your side, okay?" she nods her head following him down the stairs to her parents.

"mom, dad? I need to tell you guys something." she took a seat in a small chair across from where her parents were sitting. Monty took the seat next to her and put his hand on her thigh, comforting her.

"sure, what's wrong?" her mother asked, concerning showing for her daughter.

"um," tears started flowing out of her eyes. she could barely get a word out other than um.

"hey, it's ok,"

"Chase, hurt me,"

"we know sweetie. you were so hurt when you guys broke up. I heard he's back now so that's good news right?" her mom said totally missing the whole point.

"no, no mom. he raped me," by now she was full blown crying. tears streaming down her face, barely able to control the hiccups that were coming out of her mouth.

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