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Tatum and Monty walked hand in hand down the hallway at Liberty High School with Bryce and the other baseball boys. The rounded a corner to see Alex, Zach, and Jessica standing in front of a giant banner that read, 'Happy Birthday Alex'.

"Aw. Happy birthday, buddy." Bryce said patting Alex's shoulder. Tatum rolled her eyes at her brother.

"Oh, sweet banner. Is your mom bringing cupcakes?" Monty said walking in front of Alex with a smirk on his face.

"Mont, lets just go." Tatum begged. She wasn't in the mood for her brother and boyfriend to be bringing down another person. Monty making fun of people, her friends, was really starting to get to her. Usually he'd do it when she wasn't around but now, for some reason, he always felt the need to do it right in front of her.

"I hope she brings enough for the whole class." Bryce and Montgomery gave each other a high five. Nobody knew why Tatum was dating a guy like Monty. Everybody thought she could do so much better and she could. Anybody else would definitely be less drama.

"Maybe you'll get a new cane this year too, huh?" Monty fired at him. Tatum had enough, she slapped his arm trying to get him to stop.

"And some new friends." Bryce added. The group of four turned away from the group of three but they didn't get far enough before Alex screamed at Bryce.

"Fuck you!" he yelled, his voice cracking just a little, "You fucking rapist!"

Tatum stopped dead in her tracks. It was like she couldn't move. Like her mind wasn't able to communicate with her legs to tell them to move. She couldn't breathe, couldn't think. The only thing running through her head was the night Chase Parker raped her. It was like God was punishing her for being with a guy like Montgomery that he had to always make sure she remembers what happened that night.

Monty grabbed her arm, pulling it slightly, making sure she was okay. "Tate, hey? You alright? We are going to be late for class." To Tatum it was like she had been standing there for hours, even days. She just couldn't move.

A couple classes later, it was finally time for the school's annual spring pep rally to honor the boys varsity baseball team. Tatum was dressed in her cheerleading uniform while Monty was in his baseball uniform. The cheerleaders stood by the bleaches as the baseball team was stationed outside of the doors, waiting for their big entrance.

"Go, Tigers! Hey! Go, Tigers!" the cheerleaders shook their pom poms and did many cheers before Chloe walked over to the microphone on the stand.

"Let's give it up for our varsity baseball team!" The baseball team ran out onto the court in a line. Monty made his way over to Tatum and quickly wrapped his arms around her and gave her a kiss on the lips. They sat down on the front row of the bleaches as Bryce ran over to Chloe, carrying roses.

"Hey, how about a hand for our new cheer captain, Chloe Rice?" all of the students cheered for Chloe, even if they didn't want to. They did it because they knew they'd get shitted on by 'Bryce's Men' as many called it.

"So sweet. And now, for our emcee of today's assembly. Marcus Cole!" Marcus came running out of the gym doors with a cheerleading uniform on. Everybody was now cheering and laughing at him.

"That's right. I, uh.. dressed for the occasion. Who's impressed?" Tatum sat silently on the bleachers next to her boyfriend, waiting patiently for the assembly to be over.

After everybody cleared the gym, it was only the baseball team left. Tatum hung back to see them hang Jeff's jersey. Her and Jeff were pretty close before he died so she figured it was only right she'd stay for this.

"We're taking State this year. And it's for him." Monty had his arm around Tatum's shoulders as he gently rub her arm. She wiped a couple of tears that had fallen, hoping nobody saw.

"He was what a teammate should be. Loyal." Bryce said.

"Yeah, he always had your back. Never had to wonder about that."

"And he looked out for people."

"Always took care of his guys, no questions asked."


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