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"Tatum, you have to press charges. He needs to go to jail. He can't just get away with it. I won't let him!" Monty said running his hands over his face.

"I'm not ready yet. This is too much for me, okay?" Tatum went up the stairs into her room, shutting the door behind her.

"hey, you good?" Bryce asked his friend coming from the pool house.

"yeah, I'm trying to convince her to tell the cops but she won't."

"she probably just needs time. she'll do it eventually."

"yeah, I guess."

"so, the crew is coming over later if you wanna join," Bryce said sitting down at the island.

"uh yeah sure,"

"you sure you're okay?" Bryce put a hand on Monty's shoulder trying to comfort his friend best way possible.

"I just want to beat the shit out of Chase,"

"Then do it," Bryce suggested.

"Tatum would kill me,"

"she doesn't have to find out," Monty liked that idea. The two talked about getting revenge on Chase as their friends, or Bryce's followers started to arrive.

"Bryce, where's Tatum?" Jessica asked him, curious as to where her friend was.

"Her room," Bryce walked away, going to grab a beer back inside the pool house as Monty and Alex were playing a game on the tv. Jess walks up the stairs and knocks on Tatum's door.

"Monty go away!"

"it's actually jess," the sound of the door unlocking indicated that jess was allowed to enter. "hey,"


"how are you feeling?"

"better. I've seen better days but overall I'm better," Tatum was fiddling with the friendship bracelet on her wrist.

"good, good. I'm glad you're okay." Jess grabbed Tatum's hand giving it a light squeeze before standing back up. "our friends are over. why don't you come join us? Monty sure does miss you," she winked at Tatum.

"I'm sure he does,"

"he definitely has a thing for you. I can tell," Jess said getting all excited.

"he definitely does not." Tatum shook her head. she loves Monty, maybe even sometimes more than a best friend.

"he does too. it's so obvious! make a move on him," Jess said trying to encourage the girl.

"I don't know. I mean he's my best friend but I do kind of like him. I don't know. I feel like things will be awkward between us."

"don't worry about that. go get your man!" she gave Tatum a light push towards the stairs. today was the day that Tatum Walker would confess her feelings for her best friend. she was so nervous. her palms were shaking, sweat forming on her hairline and back of her neck. she quickly wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans and continued to walked to the pool house. Monty was sitting on the couch playing a game. no surprise there. everyone else was talking, drinking, and just having a good time. Tatum sat down on the couch next to Monty leaning her head on his shoulder.

"oh, hey. I didn't think you'd come down. are you okay with all of this?" he asked gesturing to the 10 people in her backyard.

"yes, I'm fine. I actually wanted to talk to you about something if you have a minute." she looked behind Monty's head to see Jess and Justin giving her a thumbs up.

"oh, yeah sure. lets go," he sets his controller down and follows her out of the room. "where shall we go?"

"my room? it's kind of important and I want privacy." the two walked upstairs to Tatum's room. shutting the door behind her, Tatum released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"I like you," she blurted out. shit. not the way she wanted to say it.

"what?" Monty sat on her bed looking at her all confused. part of him hoped she meant what he felt about her.

"um," she ran her hand through her medium length blonde hair, "I like you, as more than a friend. shit. and it's fine if you don't-" before she could even finish her sentence, Monty had gotten up from his seat on her bed and smashed his lips on hers. she was taken aback but she continued to kiss him back.

"I like you too. as more than a friend," Monty smiled down at the girl as their foreheads touched. a big smile appeared across her face. "does this mean i get to take you on a date?"


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