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"There we go!" She skipped down the path with her Roses.

1532 is the year she is in.

Her long blue hanbok just slightly touched the path.

She always loved blue, she never knew why.

She felt connected to water.

In some sort of way anyway.

She knew she was different from the others.

And her suspicions were correct when she found out she was kidnapped when she was a young child.

She is from the south.

but she lives in the north.

And right now, a big war against the two is happening.

Some say, it is for her.

But that is only one reason.

Because the south thinks she is dead.

The reason for this war ~ is simply for land.

No one knows she is alive.

And she is a maid in this horrible world.

She knew she was different when the water calls her.

She knew she was different when their leader always rapes her.

And gossip is all around her.

"Halfie?" "That's the only reason why she is here to make a halfie"

But only she knew that their leader was infertile.

He never wants to believe it.

Every soldier and man are higher than the females here.

And there are more than her.

"Comfort women"

She is the main one.

All their wives are infertile.

For some reason anyway~

An old women always says something to her about...


"Child you don't belong here"

"You need to escape"

"you are needed over there"

This life is weird.

Trading women is common.

There is a myth saying if a women is from the south then she cannot possibly bare a halfie.

Nor if the women is northern.

And it goes for the men too.

But no one believes it.

She knew she is used.

But she must carry on.

It hurts her knowing she is forgotten.

Next week North and South will go to face to face combat.

She is scared.

Last night, she was raped again.

When she got out she got the usual slap from his wife.

She is use to this life.

But she always wonders what is on the other side.

One time she got so close to the wall deep in the bright lively forest, way different from the busy roads and markets.

The place she stumbled across was beautiful with so much water and earth.

She believes it comes from the South.

She heard about the missing princess.

She heard about the 3 other princesses.

They all have secrets.

Something to do with elements.

*Gosh what is that word* She thought as she sat near the river.

But she thinks it is all gossip. Gossip is all over her.

She never knows what to believe.

So she would rather ignore and never trust.

But that day, when she was right near the wall.

Something called her name.

And then she felt the urge to run and climb it until she was caught by the guard.

She knew she would have to serve her punishments.

That night she was casted into the streets and was held only to be thrown at by stones by the whole village.

Well village she means the whole of the northern population.

They all stay in one big village.

The girl slowly stroked the clear water until a bell was rung.

"Comfort time" 

That was Lady Kwon.

She was an infertile salty wife to one of the advisors.

She would always abuse the fertile girls.

All the fertile girls had to wear a clip on their hanbok and a mask.

They were forbidden to wear make up.

Only wifes were allowed.

But this girl was known for her beauty so that is why she is envied and hated by all wives.

And the wives would take custody over the fertile girls' child that they bore for 9 months.

No jewelry apart from the necklace their master gave to make sure they were his.

Her master's wife was a hag named Lady Ryong.

Pretty,young and fertile girls are traded off by their own families for money/food because it is a poor place.

It was like human trafficking, selling girls, buying girls.

Her close friends who hates it here is called Mistress Lee and Mistress Jung.

She got up and dusted her hanbok and saw as every mistress rushed in as they were given death glares by the line of wives, as they went to them every wife yanked the girl's hair and led them to their husbands to be bedded.

By next week around 5 of them will be pregnant.

But not her.

She knows she can't.

Every other infertile mistress is murdered publicly.

But not her for some reason.

She looked at one of her friends Mistress Jung getting yanked away.

*I will get us three out of here soon* she thought.

"Hey! Let's go" Mistress Lee smiled.

"Okay" She sighed as she rushed in with Mistress Lee and sighed as she met eyes with Lady Ryong.

HER~ Name is Mistress Park.

Mistress Park Chaeyoung

Stay tuned for the next chapter!!!

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