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^^Shout out to her she is amazing (Editor)^^

*Back at the North*

Jungkook was now with Namjoon and Suga. They were fighting guards.

*Where is he then?* Jungkook thought as he beheaded a guard named Mr.Choi.

Then Mr.Kim came out of nowhere charging at him.

"HOW DARE YOU KILL MY WIFE!" He spat as he began a sword fight with Jungkook.

Their swords clashed.

"She deserved it" Jungkook smirked.

"You deserve this" Mr.Kim glared as he stuck his sword into Jungkook's stomach.

"Arghhhh" He kneeled down holding his stomach.

"Jungkook!!" Suga yelled.

He called for Jaemin and Jeno to help him up while he took care of Mr.Kim.

In one swift movement Suga and Namjoon along with Mark all shoved their swords into Mr.Kim's back making his eyes widened as he turned around and met three smirking faces....well two one was mortified. (Mark at what he just did.)

Jungkook was aided as he laid there.

"Chae" He whispered.

Then a horse with a man called BM rode it.

He went to the shelter Jungkook was in.

"BM?" Jk asked.




Jungkook nodded.

"I didn't tell my wife about the whole North thing with Miss Park so Somin thinks she is just from the South and she is safe with her in my house but *Jungkook who just sighed snapped his head back to BM waiting for the sentence after 'But'* She was pregnant..."

*was?* Jungkook thought.


"NO!" Bm shouted.

"Yes" I spoke.

"No Kayla i shall not tell Jungkook"

"I'm the author i do what i please i can kill you off right now. I am your God" I laughed.

Bm sighed.

"Write me a horse then"

I nodded.

I made a horse and made him go on it.

"JUST SAY IT STRAIGHT!!!" I yelled as i made him ride off into the distance.

*Soz back to normal lmao*

"Was?" Jungkook whispered loud enough for BM to hear.

He sighed as he got off his horse and patted Jungkook's - who was lying down- shoulder.

"Yes....was.... she was very stressed and she had a miscarriage." He sighed.

Jungkook had teary eyes but just nodded.

"Very well you shall leave" He spoke voice cracking,

"You must return to your family" Jungkook spoke.

BM nodded riding his horse back to the south dodging swords and dead bodies from both sides.

Jungkook began to cry.

"It's okay Jungkook"

He snapped his head to the right of his bed and saw a bandaged Taehyung smiling.

"HYUNG!??" Jungkook got up but was pushed back down by a surprisingly strong 'female' nurse.

"Everything will be fine Jungkook it is not her fault-"

"I never said that i still love Chaeyoung to death"

"Chaeyoung?" Taehyung asked being treated.

"Yes her name is Park Chaeyoung" Jungkook spoke.

The two boys clenched their teeth as the nurse put alcohol on their wounds.

"Arghhhh" Taehyung clenched his fists.

"SHit" Jungkook murmured as he was feeling the pain,

"Ahhhh ExCuSe Me!!!!" The Manly female nurse spoke laughing as the two boys looked shocked and looked at the masked female.

-Which had a manly figure and broad shoulder....not as broad as Jin's though-

Then ~Realisation~ hit the two boys and they both screamed.

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