~Mad Kookie~

276 19 5

All pics i use from "Daechwita" I screenshotted myself~


Mistress Park panicked.

"You have explaining to do."

But when the women laughed she frowned.

The women turned around revealing Mistress Jung.

"Unnie" Park whispered hugging her.

"Yah! Don't do that! And what are you doing here?? You might get caught" Park was worried.

"Aniiiiyyyyaaaaaa" Mistress Jung laughed.

"Now, tell me what you was doing with Miss Kim and Warrior Jeon" She spoke wiggling her eyebrows at Jungkook's name.

"yahhhh hajimmmmaaaaaa (hey stop)" Mistress Park blushed.

"Arraesoooo (Okay)" Mistress Jung surrendered while putting her hands up.

She dusted her hanbok and was ready to leave.

"Bye Cha-"

"I'm different.... aren't i?" Park asked looking down on her bed playing with her hands.

"Aniii!" Jung hugged her.

"Unnie.... i am from the other side right?" She asked.

Jung sighed.

"I don't know Chae i don't know" Mistress Jung hugged her.

"okaay bye unnie" Park kissed Jung's cheek.

Mistress Jung bowed jokingly making Park laugh and bow back.

"Farewell madammm" Jung laughed.

"Farewell? Shall thy not meet again?" Mistress Park giggled but Jung did not instead she looked down and thought.

*2 more weeks* She thought.


That snapped her out of it and she put on a fake smile.

"Eh? nenenenenenene!!!!" She giggled.

The two parted ways.


"Ahhhhhh!" Mistress Lee was now showing a little bump.

The two olders were laughing and were covering her with fresh roses as she lied down.

They didn't know that they were constantly watched by 7 boys and a girl.

"Why do you want us to always watch her!!" A man complained to Jeon.

"Yoongi!" The others laughed.

Yes, jungkook has been watching her for 4 days well...ever since he came here.

"Boys, i have to leave now. But i am far beyond mad as to why i cannot find out about Miss Park's family. And she doesn't even look Northern she looks like us....But i will be on my way see you guys soon" She kissed Jimin and rode off.

Then Lady Kwon came out of the temple and rang a bell.

"Comfort time!! For those who are not bearing a child!" 

Mistress Jung took Park and rushed inside.

Jungkook was about to go after but was held back.

"It is sick!" He yelled madly,

"Shhhh" Mr kim Taehyung and Jung Hoseok calmed him down.

The warriors went off but Jungkook stayed and watched Miss Park go into a room well more like dragged.

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